About Me
B SHARP MUSIC is a small independently-owned music shop located in providence, rhode island, that has been open since april 2003. we carry sweet-ass USED GUITARS, BASSES, DRUMS, and EFFECTS, and, most importantly, jaw harps. we BUY your old equipment, too!
we specialize in FIXING YOUR STUFF. if you are sick of sending your guitars and amps away to unknown lands and unknown people through daddy's and guitar center, we will help you. our turnaround time for repairs is minimal, and you can actually talk to the person who is fixing your stuff.
if you are not happy with the sound of your amp or pedal, and want to make it better, we can do that, too. we do silver-face to black-face MODS, and we can basically make your tube amp or pedal sound like whatever you want. WE MAKE CUSTOM PEDALS as well. have an idea for an awesome pedal? let us know and we can make it for you!
265 broadway
providence, ri 02903
(401) 223-2112
hours- mon-fri, 12-8; sat, 12-6
*******visit b sharp's rad new website!*******
My Blog
new B Sharp custom pedal offering
Hey y'allz. I found some time in the cluster-f@ck of the past couple of months to finally develop our second effect pedal. Where the Malazadas is clean and transparent, this new one is filthy! It's a ...
Posted by b sharp music on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 06:16:00 PST
b sharp nights
we really appreciate everyone coming out to our monthy b sharp nights. they are always a great time!
despite the fact that these shows are only once a month, we get TONS of requests from bands a...
Posted by b sharp music on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:14:00 PST
Does B Sharp have Traynor amps? Yes we do.
In case you didn't know, B Sharp is now a TRAYNOR/YORKVILLE dealer!We currently have the YCV-40, YCV-50Blue, YCV-20, YCV-80, DG60-R, and 1x12 extention cabs.The YCV-50Blue is more like a Ma...
Posted by b sharp music on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 01:18:00 PST
malazadas + a vast cache of other new and used pedals!
we here at b sharp would like to present to you the all new b sharp custom malazadas clean boost + distortion pedal designed by dave and domenick. it's design is simple and the sound i...
Posted by b sharp music on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:58:00 PST
Dillion guitars and more!
Hey people, we are now carrying Dillion guitars. They make some amazing Gibs@n copies, as well as a MosRite Hi-Flyer copy. Scroll down for pictures of these beautiful instruments. They have all been p...
Posted by b sharp music on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 04:43:00 PST
Blues deluxe/deville owners- take note
We are now offering an upgrade/ mod package for all Fender Deville/ Deluxe amps. What we do is make these amps more like a marshall bluesbreaker, which itself is just a combo version of the clas...
Posted by b sharp music on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 01:59:00 PST
DR strings and other news!!!
B SHARP MUSIC would like to annouce that they are now the proud carriers of DR guitar and bass strings... get 'em here... and cheaper than guitar center, suckaz!
other news:
***we are havi...
Posted by b sharp music on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 07:29:00 PST
hello loyal b sharp customers and adversaries!
this is hilary from the b sharp awesomizing notification department. i am maintaining this site, and i am in close contact with b sharp staff....
Posted by b sharp music on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:56:00 PST