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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I'm most definantly not a morning person - much more of a night owl. My best qualities would have to be that I am loyal, compassionate, sensitive, and have a big heart. I love to laugh. I'm not big on the whole bar scene / party type atmosphere, but every once in a while it's fun. I'd much more prefer a small group of close friends. I am also a very perceptive/feeling person - which sometimes is great, and other times it is a talent that I wish I didn't have. I probably could have been a psychologist, as I find all that type of stuff quite facinating. I am doing a lot of self-examination, and finding it quite facinating as I learn more about myself. Of course, the purpose of that is to help me continue to grow and better myself. And although it drives me nuts, I love suprises. I'm kind of a homebody (as I'm quite content to sit at home watching tv or being with those I love) - but that doesn't mean I don't like to get out and do something fun or adventurous.

Also, I value honesty and respect above all else and will not tolerate anything less. I also give the same in return. And when I say honesty, I'm talking about the kind of honesty where you don't keep it to yourself, even if it might hurt the other person in the short term. Personally, I'd rather have a friend who would hurt me and be honest rather than someone who is just going to act is if there isn't a problem. I know who I am (for the most part), and I've found that I am a very special and unique individual who has a whole lot to offer the right person. I also know that I'm probably a lot different than most guys out there - but to find that out you'll just have to get to know me. I think it'll be worth your while no matter what happens.
I am a Christian, and consider my spiritual life very important to me. Mind you, I'm not one to push my religion on anyone - as it was done to me as a child, and I resented that. And I don't see myself as one of those holier than thou types of people either. Ultimately we are all responsible for ourselves and the life we lead. And thankfully, God is forgiving and mercyfull... for as it is written, we have all fallen short... and I am no exception. I have made mistakes, sometimes several times with the same one - but I do try to better myself and learn from the experience. Just sometimes it takes a hammer to pound it in to me before I get it. :)

If you'd like to know even more about me... I have several blog entries that do a pretty good job of spelling out just who I am - probably better than I could do. Since they've kinda gotten burried I'm including links to them below:

More About Me - Blogthings!
Relationship Report
My Story - Where I've Been

My Interests

Computers & the Internet, Vintage Video Games (Ms. Pac Man, Galaga, Asteroids, etc), radio talk shows (Howard Stern, Don & Mike), The Peanuts (Woodstock, Snoopy), Dallas Cowboys, Camping/Hiking, Pizza & Seafood.

I'd like to meet:

I got to thinking... looking at personal ads, they all pretty much read the same. You see the same things over and over again... Looking for honesty, looking for this, or that, or something else. Heck I've even posted things like that myself. Maybe it should be done a little differently though. I mean come on... honesty... duh, that's a given! Who in their right mind is looking for someone to blow smoke up their ass?! A sense of humor is important... must like dogs, etc. They all read the same, or I should say most of them do... I want this, looking for this, etc.

So, how about this...

If you happen to be the right one for me, and I fall madly in love with you...

You will be told how much you mean to me, as often as you want to hear it - because I believe that words do mean something and affection is not just shown it can be spoken as well.

You will receive cards, or e-mail, or letters occasionally - maybe because I know you might have had a bad day, or maybe I'm just feeling especially lucky to be with you, or maybe just because I know that it will brighten your day unexpectedly. Love and affection can be written in words too.

I will do my best to do my share of the housework - because I believe that it SHOULD be shared. Also, it's yet another way of showing love and affection. You do things to help each other out... That's the way it should be.

If you've had a bad day, or need a shoulder to cry on... I'll be right there for you. I may not be the best at cheering you up (although I may try)... but I promise to be there for you.

You can also expect a lot of affection... I'm big on it. Frankly, one of the most awesome sights I have seen in my life, is watching an older couple at church, or my grandparents sitting on the couch together - just simply holding hands, or with a hand on each other's leg... just being close. I love running my fingers through someone's hair, or scratching their back, massaging their shoulders, cuddling up close on the couch, holding hands walking together in public. Touch is VERY important.

I want a family... one way or another. Be it adopted, step, or my own, I love kids. I've already had a brief opportunity to be a dad. And I don't profess to be the perfect father, what I do bring to the table is an unconditional love for children. While it may be the hardest and most challenging job one could ever sign up for, it's something that I feel as if I was born to do. To be able to share things with them, to teach them, and to raise them, and watch them grow - and to know that you've had a positive impact in their lives. That is worth more than anything money could buy. To share simple things like playing games, watching tv specials together, all the holiday/family rituals, vacations, etc... These are all things I look forward to having. My parents weren't perfect either, but I think they did a damn good job... and I want to be able to do that for someone too!

You can expect that I will probably make you laugh quite a bit... my sense of humor comes and goes, and can be strange at times, but I love seeing someone smile. It lights up a person's face... and seeing that I'm in love with you... I'm naturally gonna try and make you smile or do things to make you smile. Laughter is important... but even more so when things don't always go as planned... Sometimes when something just goes so horribly wrong, the best thing you can do is laugh about it.

Now not everything is all peaches and roses. You can expect that at some point I will hurt you or upset you... face it, it's going to happen... it always does. Hopefully, and most likely it won't be intentional. But what I offer is that I will sit down and talk to you about it. I will try to understand WHY you feel the way you do, and will talk to you and try and see what can be done to prevent it from happening again. I don't believe in going to bed angry or upset. And I will care about and value your feelings and thoughts. This is where it gets dangerous and a lot of people never think about this... When you love and care for someone, their words carry a lot more meaning than others. That makes it a lot easier for feelings to get hurt. So, you must respect that fact, and treat each other with respect. In my opinion, words can do a lot more damage than actually hitting someone. So, you will be shown respect.

You will not be first in my life... at least you never should be. First and foremost is God and my relationship with him. You and my/our family come next. And if you are the one for me, you will understamd and even encourage me in this. I would expect that it should be no different for you... and do the same. I realize that none of us are perfect, and while we are here, none of us will be. But by trying to keep God first, everything else should fall in line.

Lastly, I will not try to change you. I have an unusual ability to see the good or potential in most everyone. There will likely be little quirks about you that I just love... But everyone is different, and everyone has special and unique things about them, I tend to see beyond a person's faults (we all have them) and love them for who they are. I've learned that you shouldn't have to change someone - and usually you can't. Change is up to the person themselves... So many people have little things that irritate them, I don't for the most part. I'm not saying I will place you on a pedastal so high that no one could live up to that... just that I choose to see the good in everyone, and true love has no conditions placed upon it, it is pure, and simple.

There... how's that for a personal ad?!

PS: I know you are out there somewhere, and if I don't already know you... well, maybe you should drop me a line if any of this struck a note with you. If I do know you already, well... now you've got a little better idea of what life could be like if you are my soulmate.

PPS - Bonus points if you are a Virgo, Pisces, Tarus, or Scorpio!


Primarily 80's rock/metal, but love most kinds of music. Least favorites are country, classical, and elevator music. Find that I just love music - it is a way that I can kind of express my emotions which otherwise might be hard to put into words. And my favorite groups are those who really have meaninfull lyrics as well... for instance: James McMurtry, Arlo Guthrie, Dokken, Savatage. And I absolutely love live music (concerts), be it at a small nightclub/bar or a huge venue (love Wolftrap Farm Park).


Army of Darkness, Howard Stern's Private Parts, Office Space, The Notebook, What Dreams May Come, Blade, Underworld, Animal House, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Toxic Avenger.


Reality show junkie. Survivor, Biggest Loser, Celebrity Fit Club, American Idol, Big Brother, Lost, Stargate SG1 & Atlantis, House, The 4400, The Office, Scrubs, Mind of Mencia, South Park, Aqua Teen Hungerforce, Nick at Night, The Simpsons.


Don't read a whole lot, but basically anything written by Stephen King rules! My favorites are the Dark Tower series.


Anyone who isn't afraid to stand up for what they believe in no matter what the circumstances or consequences of doing so are! My Pop-Pop was an awesome man.
Dave's Blogs Index
This section exists because of the way the blogs on here work. I have mine set to only display one entry at a time because some are long. So, really the only way to view all of my writings is to click on the View All and keep clicking on Older. As I sometimes like to point someone to one in particular, I figured I'd place an index here to some of the ones I think people would be interested in, however this is not a list of them all.
More About Me - Blogthings
Relationship Report
Personality Profile
Relationship IQ
Love Personality
Sexual Turn-Ons
My Ideal Relationship
Emotional IQ
Ennagram Results
Emotional Landscape
Love Report
Best Qualities
My Ideal Sexual Partner
My Sexual Personality
My Personal Destiny
What Motivates Me
My Gender Identity
Model Parent Report
What Is True Love
Walls of Communication
To All the Girls
The Single Life
That Personal Touch
The Language of Love
A Message From George
Of Anniversaries & Memories
When a Heart Loves
One Year Later
Adrift at Sea
Just Another Day
The Journey Continues

Dave's Favorite Quotes
Love Quotes:

Funny Quotes:
Dave's Recent iTunes
Dave's Astrology
Daily Extended:

Daily Love:

Daily Flirt:
About Astrology
All About Cancer / My Natal Chart / My Love Chart
Dave's Tiny Arcade
Breakout ..
Asteroids ..
Invaders ..
Dave's Churches
South Potomac Church
White Plains, MD
Severn Christian Church
Severn, MD
Church of Christ
Fairfax, VA
Church of Christ
Olney, MD
Church of Christ
Hyattsville, MD 2003 - Present

1992 to 2003

My Blog

Reflections - Uodate & Appology

Something has been weighing heavy on my heart recently.... and it involved an earier blog posted here. It needs conclusion and it involved my previous girlfriend Heather. For those who didn't read a...
Posted by Dave on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:35:00 PST

Back to Blogthings...

What Your Bathroom Habits Say About YouYou are a very considerate person, but that doesn't mean you let people walk all over you.Your idea of fashion is jeans and a t-shirt. Clean, if you're lucky.You...
Posted by Dave on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 03:59:00 PST

Model Parent Report

David, the dominant success skill your children will pick up from you is to be Altruistic. You're teaching your children that the road to success lies in being willing to put others' concerns above yo...
Posted by Dave on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 04:54:00 PST

My Gender Identity

That means you're 37% masculine. When we compare your results with other men it shows that you are somewhat more feminine than average.What does it mean for a man to be feminine? Femininity in Western...
Posted by Dave on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 04:49:00 PST

What Motivates Me

You are concerned about stability in many different facets of your life. You take comfort in knowing you're prepared for your future and as such, take the necessary steps to make your life more predic...
Posted by Dave on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 04:34:00 PST

My Personal Destiny

At your core, you're meant to be an Advisor. You are 83% in line with the Advisor role. This indicates that you are a quiet and reserved person who loves to help others achieve their potential through...
Posted by Dave on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 07:49:00 PST

Sexual Personality Report

Your Sexual PersonaYour Sexual PersonaAs a Phi, you have a good sense of yourself and your sexuality. You know how to turn on the sex appeal when it suits your needs, and have a fair amount of confide...
Posted by Dave on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 02:15:00 PST

My Ideal Sexual Partner

A Type 7 partner needs to know that their sexual relationship is within the confines of a loving partnership. Once that is established, they can fully show you how sexually creative and affectionate t...
Posted by Dave on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:40:00 PST


For the past few days I've spent time reflecting on my past relationship - if you can even call it that since there was no kind of commitment during the almost 5 months it went on. What can I bring f...
Posted by Dave on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:38:00 PST


So all this morning and afternoon I've been feeling like an idiot. I've been back and forth about removing the previous blog - mainly because I do feel stupid. It was written in one of my bouts of f...
Posted by Dave on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 12:17:00 PST