What do I say at this point about myself? I know that when I first started on the drag scene, I was a shy dude enlisted in the ARMY not really knowing anything about anything, especially when it came to performing on a stage, applying make-up, designing costumes, yet alone pageantry. As far as my own drag, I hadn't a clue about where i wanted it all to go in terms of goals and achievements and should even mention any ideas of becoming a super star! All I knew was that I was addicted to the feeling i felt rush through me when i would go to the show at Scorpio in Charlotte, NC and see Keri Nichols ignite the place on fire (because her act was just that hot!). It simply was something I was in awe of.
I have always had this silly dream of being a huge rock star, yep, for about as long as I can remember! I'm talkin' ROCK STAR! Sold out arenas, white trash chicks in the front row flashin' their tits, pyro and lights and smoke and lasers. I can keep going but I think you can begin to picture it at this point! Anyhoo, there was one small problem that stood/stands in my way... my singing voice has about as much harshness as needed to skin a cat! Not cute!!! So sad, what's a boy to do that was born to rock but can't carry a tune??? Dah, what else but DRAG!
I've always looked at what I do on stage with a rockers edge. If you know me and have seen me, you can probably picure it all now and understand what I mean by that.
You would also know the extremes my journey has seen through the years. I know that I have seen it all...
I've been the newby that can't get booked and can't seem to find anyone who will sincerely help me out (as a new queen) to find some direction- not to mention help finding a shade of base & powder that might be closer to my actual skin color than the one I was using!).
I have touched the gold at the top of it all, and I have lost so much in the blink of an eye.
I know how it feels to be low, to be broke- like homeless/foodless broke and to be so all alone.
On the other hand, I have been the center of all attention in a room full of hundreds more times than I can even recall.
It has been said that I was the best of the best at times, but I also can't forget how I couldn't seem to get booked for a single show, not too long ago.
I have competed and I have tasted many victories, I was Miss Gay Arizona and just 2 little, itty, bitty spots away from wearing the Miss Gay America crown, the Title of Excellence. Ironically however, I was also banned from any participation in that very same pageant system that I had invested so much my time, my money, and mostly my heart into... so much of my life into.
I have walked in the fabulous shoes of a super star type of life, my name became known from one side of the country to the other and nobody can deny that my very own show(s) packed the house every week to point of standing room only. "Viva La Diva" rocks on!
I have heard my name praised and held high, but I've also dealt with the costs & hardships that come along with the celebrity dream. Never in my life did I ever anticipate the amount of negative energy that I had to (and still have to) deal with in ways jealousy & backstabbing, gossip & rumors, liars and cheats, but mostly within the people who tricked me into believing they were my friend, only to prove otherwise and break my heart.
I've been taken advantage of and made fun of, but I am the only one who can say that they have place higher in the national contest than any other person from Arizona AND has had the Official Talent Award for the AZ America Pageant System named after them! THE ANGELA DODD TALENT AWARD! Thank you David Dawson for the biggest honor of my life!
Sure, I've had my name drug through the mud and have been severely judged by so many people simply because of something they may have heard, yet never had proof of.
On the other side of all of that pain and confusion I had/have to deal with, there is also the amazing feeling of pride that I have felt (and still feel) when another queen names me as their inspiration. Just for the record, Charity Case continues to be mine! Hearing someone talk about how big of a fan they were and that because of me, they now do drag themselves, is hard to even begin to explain, but...WOW!
I have fallen in love and know that I've known true love, but I have gone through the loss of that love and had to deal with a broken heart all while the public eye witnessed it all.
I have been sad and confused and hurt done wrong, yes indeed.
I have been so very happy as well, and sometimes loved and lucky and content.
At the end of it all, who knows where I'll be. The only thing I can say for sure is that I KNOW THE TRUTH OF IT ALL, that I AM A GOOD GUY who cares about others and sincerely hopes for the best for everyone out there-AND THOUGH I HAVE MADE SOME MISTAKES, I'm still a person with feelings, just like you and everyone else.
I know for sure that I am talented on stage, compassionate towards others and honest as a friend. No matter what, I am proud of who I am today and where I am headed and MY TRUTH IS SOMETHING NO ONE CAN EVER TAKE AWAY FROM ME.Karma, my friends, will make it all understandable somewhere down the road for me. I just have to be patient as I wait for it! Just know that though I may seem quieter these days, The Dodd still rocks on...*****
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