I would never be part of any club that would have me as a member...
a cross between an octopus and a mexican...
against me!, fugazi, hot water music, refused, cursive, true north, army of ponch, planes mistaken for stars, mewithoutyou, ATDI, Twelve hour turn,world/inferno friendship society, these arms are snakes, minus the bear, etcetera, etcetera...
city of lost children, brazil, delicatessen, 12 monkeys, amelie, Lock Stock, Boondock Saints, Fight Club, reservoir dogs, shaun of the dead, so on and so on...
is just an opiate for the masses....but I'll be damned if I can't watch my cartoons!
"slapstick", "slaughterhouse 5" by vonnegut, "ham on rye", "hot water music" by bukowski, "good omens" by gaiman & pratchett, "lullaby" by Palahniuk, "fluke", "practical demon keeping" by Moore, "high fidelity" by hornby, et al...
my heroes have always killed cowboys...