"It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony."
Seize Fate By The Throat.
Im enormous, and I love it. I love shaking my foot when I sit. I love nodding my head when I don't pay attention. I love laughing. I love listening. I love the green potato chips. I love the burnt french fries. I love smacking when I chew my gum. I love observing people and getting scolded for staring. I love mimicking your speech pattern. I love taking on your body language. I love making you smile without moving your mouth. I love pausing in the middle of a kiss and saying "hi." I love knowing that there is always something bigger to catch. I love knowing that you aren't beautiful until I know you. I love chapstick. I love that nothing is sacred. I love watching your hands move when I should be listening to you speak. I love knowing I'm saying more when nothings coming out of my mouth. I love asking bums if they have spare change. I love how boxing rings are square. I love having a tight grip. I love feeling your expressions change when your face is buried in my neck. I am a child at heart. I have no idea who I am, and I dont expect you to. My body is a temple. Don't try to get inside me and then use it to claim sanctuary.