Brian profile picture


Motion Graphics, 3D Visualisation, Training

About Me

My one aim in life, and always has been, is to enjoy my life and as work is a large part of life, to work at something I enjoy.......This I do.....I produce motion graphics, visual and special effects, I am a 3D artist creating visualisations of architecture, landscapes and things technical and medical.....I also enjoy editing film and video...also recording music....I am a musician...I play bass and guitar....I play bass in a Blues Band and I write and record ambience and theraputic music.....I am at present producing 10 CDs in the next 5 years.. I use After Effects, Combustion, Motion, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Encore, DVD Pro and other associated software......sonar cakewalk for website is and music and

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

My interests are my work and when I have spare time - Rugby

I'd like to meet:

I would have liked to have met Spike Milligan had the chance and couldn't, Stevie Ray Vaughan but can't, I met John Lennon didn't make the most of it -I was being to cool - I enjoy meeting those with energy, sensitivity, creativity and most of all people with a joy of life and a sense of the ridiculous


Blues and Jazz - I listen to a lot of music but Blues and Jazz are my loves My Music pages


Sweethearts with Janeane Garofalo and Mitch Rouse 1996, Monster directed by Patty Jenkins with Charlize Theron and another janeane Garlfalo film 'The Truth about Cats and Dogs' with Ben chapiln and Uma Thurman directed by Michael Lehmann.............


Little Britain, Green Wing and Nighty Night


All of Spikes books and all of George Orwells' books - Jean-Paul Sartre - Iris Murdoc - all of Friedrich Nietzsche work - Gunter Grass -


Spike Milligan, George Orwell, Jean-Paul Sartre, Joseph Beuys

My Blog

something to think about

Well my life has taken another music is allowing me to do more with my other love........films and what goes into making them....I have run my own company now for the last ten years.......
Posted by Brian on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 08:30:00 PST

A blog virgin

I have tried not to BLOG, but I have the myspace bug and feel compeled to write at least one.I have noticed that MySpace fills a very necessary role in most peoples life. I think it's the chance to be...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:07:00 PST