Avery, Trina, Greta, Music, Collecting Vinyl, Baseball, Traveling when I can, Trading Bootlegs...if you're into bootlegs, here's my list "www.tapetrader.com/drosike".
Family that I haven't met yet. Friends that I met along time ago and I lost touch with...well, I would love to meet you again.
Metal, hardcore, punk, anything i dont care, it's all Rock N Roll anyways.... But My favorite bands are , Old Revelation bands....too many, I dont' remember, mostly old shit, I do like alot of geeky studio guitar work. If you know me you know what I'm talking about. Local heroes that made me happy at one point: Bloodbath, Pushbutton Warfare, 100 Demons, Lachrymator, Wonderland, Doom Nation/Patrol, Sugar Plum Dandy, Drawback, Sam Black Church, Stompbox, Overcast, Wrecking Crew. Local heroes that finally made it: Shadows Fall, All That Remains, Hatebreed, Splitshift, Unearth.
WASSUP ROCKERS, The Warriors, Star Wars(the old ones), The Godfather, Scarface, James Bond, The Decline Of The Western Civilization Part 2, 28 Days Later, Airplane 1 & 2, Coming To America, City Of God, Waynes World, Major League (1 to 3), A League Of Their Own, Gidget The Midget Goes Hawaiian, Eganism, Farelly Brothers, MKnight Shyamalah, Hardbodies, Vote For Pedro.
The Simpsons, The 70s show, Sportscenter, Saturday Night Live, The Baseball package on cable, The Sopranos, Lost, Prison Break, Intervention, Terminator Sarah Chronicles, Gene Simmons Family Jewels, Grounded For Life and although they haven't added me on their pages "The Girls Next Door".
I hate reading, unless I'm in the bathroom. I do like Stuff, Maxim, FHM & all them useless information magazines. I just got a subscription to Playboy for $1 an issue...woo hoo!!! I do suggest "Walk This Way", the Aerosmith story, I wish they make a movie of it. I was gonna buy the Canseco book until I met him, he's a dick!
Avery Jet Garcia, Evel Knievel, Ferris Bueller, Iron Maiden, Randy Rhoads, Aaron Boone, Reggie Jackson, Tino Martinez, Bucky Dent, The Yankees, their 26 rings (which will never be caught up to), and anyone who beats the Red Sox.