Working our day jobs and paying the bills
Terry Gilliam, Harlan Ellison, Susan Sarandon, Mark Steel, Simon Pegg, Christopher Guest, George Romero, Julie Christie, Christopher Lee, Gordon Ramsey
Pat is listening to the "library music" soundtrack of Dawn of the Dead. A lot.
Ann is listening to the soundtrack of Girl On A Motorcyle. Also a lot.
We just watched Dawn of the Dead again over the weekend. Even though it's one of my all-time favorites, I forget just what a marvelous little indie film it is.
Michelangelo Antonioni, 1912-2007, R.I.P.
Ingmar Bergman, 1918-2007, R.I.P.
László Kovács, 1933-2007, R.I.P.
Curtis Harrington, 1926-2007, R.I.P.
About all we can muster these days is time to watch E!'s The Soup on Fridays at 10pm. The comic stylings of Joel and crew keeps us from going loony. Seriously. And Lou is one cute tail-wagger, too!
Ann says: the families of the PBS series A Lion in the House; my grandparents Blackie & Opal; Chris Marker; Maya Deren; Jack Webb