Zain profile picture


Show Kindness, protect animals & children, make today count for something good. ATTN: NEW FRIEND

About Me

Lord Zain is somewhat mysterious...granted, but there are sides to me that I let come out and play. Certain it is, only my closest friends see those manifestations.
I'm a "Spiritual" person. I am a Romantic. I love candles. I love the dark.
You might say I found my Light in Darkness.
Glowing...things...seem to butter my muffin. I love ghosts.
Other things about me: I think I could quite possibly be in love with SHIRLEY MANSON and Yuko Ogura...
hmmm...quotes say a lot about a person, so here's some favorite quotes of mine:"SHOWING KINDNESS IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF STRENGTH...IT IS THE EVIDENCE OF IT". ~LORD ZAIN"YOU are the Master of your life, THINK for yourself, look to yourself for solutions first...instead of outside sources...for you are far more wondrous than you may ever know."
I do believe in a Higher Power. Holy hell, there has to be ...haha..and I do in fact interact with this Higher Power/God/The Universe daily.
My greatest desire is to live in a world of Peace and Creative Pursuit. A world that is free from violence and Fear.We'll call this happy wonderful place: PLANET ZAIN. =)On PLANET ZAIN everyone understands the sanctity of innocents such as children and animals...and treats them with the honor and dignity and LOVE they deserve.
And YES,I want a world free from lowbrow, powermad people.
Speaking of lowbrow(that means low intellect for you lowbrows out there...haha), I am completely against hunting any animal for sport. Hunters make me a bit concerned for the human race.
And what is so "sporting" about shooting defenseless animals in the first place? I just don't get it.
Sneaking up on an animal and shooting it dead is not my idea of "sport"!
Most Native Americans (of which I am a quarter Cherokee),REVERE animals and only took a life in order to survive...they never hunted animals just for the sport of it.
The citizens of PLANET ZAIN would abolish the separatist notion of "US" and "THEM" (see my blog: "Unity = Freedom")...whether this is dealing with Nations or Religions. They all encompass an idea of US...and THEM...walls...borders. Quite simply, these ought not to have a place in our World. And they would not; on my Planet.
Without being too simplistic, each of us really can do our part to help bring this long over due change about; by thinking positive thoughts and DOING POSITIVE things - for humans AND especially for ANIMALS. It all starts with the person you see in the mirror.
Along with my love for film, music, and art...
I have an abiding interest in the Paranormal. Or pretty much anything that cannot be conveniently explained away.
Although I love a good thunderstorm, I'm not a big fan of rain. It's been my experience that TRAINS. I much prefer plentiful sunshine. I easily get homesick for my home away from home: California.
As for women...I love them. I love "Goth" women most of all. I love Irish women, Asian women, Indian women, I seem to go into a trance-like state whenever I hear them talk...Love all the accents....same with women from Jamaica. And of course I be likin' anything Celtic.
P.S. I do love American women too... ;)
Okay, this is probably a good time to mention that, although I do have gay friends....(yes, that means homo-sex-uals AND Les-bians)...I myself am not gay. These friends respect that, and most of them don't grab my a$$ in public(..."not that there's anything WRONG with that!" ;)
I try to keep LOVE the active word in my daily life...and I try to find a way each day to make sure I also show it to people I don't like very much.
Besides, since WHEN does LOVE have much to do with LIKING someone, right? Who knows..? I always try to give people a break whenever I never know the amouont of insane stuff they may be dealing with, and the harsh realm a mean person's life may have become over time. Check it out: the meanest person you may encounter could turn out to be your greatest ally. It has happened to I know from whence I speak.
I SO love a person with a great sense of humor.
I Love to art of all kinds, especially anything out of the ordinary. I love making art... I love making....uh, Love.
I enjoy teaching and creating in oils...landscapes, seascapes, anything with God's Creation in it.
If there's a way for me to convey eternal principles and things such as KINDNESS and BEAUTY in my Life and work....I make it my business to do so. My time with friends and loved ones is precious to me.
I think more power and creativity is right below the surface of most people...they just need a way to get it to come to the surface. I think that focusing on the POSITIVE IN LIFE...being a kind soul to others on this earth is why we are here....and it's a sure way to unlock creative potential in your life.
Don't waste time THINKING about doing something creative....DO it!
I love my family and friends. I love people who are kind to animals. I love God most of all...without whom this life would not make much sense to me. With Him, there's so much more to love about life. And besides, human beings.. if left to themselves...with no FENCE in life...with no sense of right or wrong...can become quite horrible creatures.
I love animals (my doggies most of all), and am instant friends with those Beautiful Souls who are KIND TO ANIMALS everywhere.
I believe in the sancitity of children & animals. I believe they should be nurtured, loved, and protected at all times. GO OUT TO YOUR LOCAL HUMANE SOCIETY OR SHELTER AND PLEASE ADOPT A LONELY DOG OR CAT TODAY!!! You'll be rewarded in ways you can not even imagine now. Dogs and cats shouldn't ever fall asleep in a cage....wake up in a cage.....not when there are so many happy homes out there that need a pet!! Animals have a nobility of spirit that few humans can ever match.
Your pets love you and are there for you everyday so please, treat them with respect, dignity and kindness always.
I've seen bad things happen to people who yell at their don't ever do that....animals don't understand what you're saying anyway. More importantly YOUR PETS ADORE YOU...!!! THEY CAN'T WAIT TO FIND A WAY TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. REWARD THEM BACK WITH LOTS OF KINDNESS AND LOVE.
Your Pets and precious animals LOVE YOU!!! More than you know and are counting on you, so don't let them down.
I believe in a "agree to disagree" philosophy about life...I'm much more interested in building bridges with people I disagree with than burning bridges.
I have friends who are Satanists, I have friends who are Christians,I have friends who Love The Lord, I have friends who love money and themselves (it's always amusing to see which one of those wins out in a given day). The bottom line is: I HAVE AWESOME FRIENDS!
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I'm a huge fan of animation....all types. Love to be with my friends and spend as much time as I can with my other best friends: my two Shetland Sheepdogs...(remember them?)haha...they are precious to me beyond words...and provide instant therapy and comedy whenever I need it.
I Enjoy hiking, anything to do with being in the Great Outdoors. I want to learn Fencing. In case you didn't see this before: I Love the company of attractive women (both physically and mentally).
I Love color...and wildlife. Enjoy gardening (see my pics), love concerts. Enjoy fine wine & mixed drinks whenever possible. I make a truly wicked martini.
I have experienced Phenomenon that make me realize there are...Hidden Things in this world not easily seen with the naked eye(might explain why I enjoy Clive Barker's Hellraiser story so much...what with all those Doorways leading to Other Places and all).
Which leads me to believe there are spirits among us...both good and evil. This makes things darn interesting for me and my friends.
I have discovered that, The Dark plays a vital role in our development as does The Light. This is a continual process of learning, that hopefully never ends. Likewise; "Darkness" not the same as "Evil".
"Evil"...usually is what happens to a person who is not fully AWARE of who they are and what they are doing at any given time.
It's easy to be mean...but it takes a VERY special and together person to find the beauty in be KIND, and helpful. Don't get me wrong...I ENJOY "scary" as much as the next person, actually, a helluva lot more. But you have to keep BALANCE in your life.
And that is why I don't consume a steady diet of the Dark Stuff like I used to. It's like candy; too much of that stuff can take you to a bad place fast. I maintain that Lucy(Lucifer) is much more like a crafty ventriloquist puppet type of entity than a muscle-bound Lord of The Wasteland.
I would rather meet a demon any day of the week than a pissed off angel.
I am beginning to learn how this whole Universe thing works...and I must say each day I seem to learn something new, that helps me be in Agreement with It.
I still gain much strength from my very best friend is God. Kinda cool to think that the same Guy who made the shark also made the butterfly.
I try to do at least one thing each day that makes God, and The Higher Beings happy...and they always make it up to me. They're funny that way...they actually CARE about me.
I run from people who think they have the one true religion or "faith"....Televangelists have me VERY concerned for their spiritual well-being, but they do make it up to me with those spiffy suits and hair-do's. I must also confess that, although I used to be an avid church-goer; I find that "church-going" seems to do very little for my state of Faith...or well-being. I also have a problem with a Faith that is largely Fear-based(do this or ELSE!).
That's not to say there aren't swell churches out there. And my love and respect go to the people who serve in them. I just prefer spending my Sunday's Meditating in my garden and getting in touch with...Others who don't usually set foot in church.
Maybe now...a few words about something we all experience...but never seem to learn enough from...
I've learned not to be afraid of pain.
Sometimes it's the only thing that can take you through the doorway of life that leads to bigger and better things. Pain can become a friend if you let it...a teacher...even a guide. However, avoid the temptation to build a SHRINE to your painful experience whatever it may have been. Don't relive the pain...just learn from it and move on to the better things in life that surely await you.
There's some good stuff out there to enjoy. I've learned that a good life is not the absence of pain...but the ability to become a happier, stronger person for having endured it.
Now, please do what you can to have an absolutely keenfabbo day.Hover Effects By

My Interests

Hi, I love you that you have come to visit me...
Welcome to PLANET ZAIN. Myspace home of ALAN ZAIN the Artist, Writer, Host, and Ambassador of Common Sense Everywhere. I am also an Advocate of Peace(whenever possible) don't piss me off man!! Haha.... ;)

Just kidding...honestly though, one thing you'll notice about my page here is that it's full of POSITIVE VIBES. Everyone is welcome long as you remember to play nice with everyone else....WE'RE ALL ONE HAPPY FAMILY.

No doubt you'll also notice I'm a man of many faces.
Want to hear my philosophy on Life?
I believe in a: "YOUR success, is MY success" kind of world.

If there is a way I can help you achieve what you need or want in life...I'm all over it. For why are we here...with all these Wondrous Souls...if not to BE there for them when they need us...yes?
So if you would like to be my friend; don't be shy, let me know...and if you have something to tell me: I'll listen...and we can go from there. Honestly, I don't bite
(unless I know you REAL well).

Some strange and bizarre things go on at Planet Zain (so already you know you're right at home).

For those of you who like to read; I've got you covered. If you're into visuals; got the fix: be sure to visit my blogs while you're Planetside. You'll be glad you did.

Enjoy... Zain :))
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I'm all about enjoying Life, protecting kids & animals, and helping my friends achieve what they want in the days God's given them on this wondrous planet.
If you have a talent; you owe it to me, to the World, to God, the very Universe Itself, and most of all to YOU... to use that talent for help people...therein lies your purpose in life and at least one of the many reasons you were placed here.
I am grateful for my girlfriends, guy friends, doggies, money, and the opportunity to LEARN something from all of you.

So yes; I am a VISUAL & VOCAL ARTIST by trade, in that I am a digital and traditional artist... I also work in the voice-over industry lending my voice on certain projects.

NOTE: THIS SITE WAS OPTIMIZED FOR VIEWING WITH MOZILLA/FIREFOX...IF YOU DON'T HAVE THAT BROWSER GO DOWNLOAD IT TODAY. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID. ;)I see many things with my eyes that I try to put into pictures. I do many creative things which I like sharing with everyone.

I get some of my ideas for the radio show and for the artwork from my DREAMS....VISIONS, what have you. A lot of the imagery here has played across the screen in my mind's eye more than once.

The MACK DEVIL Persona has really been a wickedly fun venture for me. I am glad to have met him. I make personal appearances as Mack at private parties and local radio and cable shows....and the creative opportunities for this handsome horny devil continue to evolve.

Everything you see here on my profile page was created by me (unless otherwise noted), including this background. See blog for more of my artworks. By The Way, if you see something I create that speaks to you please let me know by posting comments; in my blog, or wherever you see my work.

I believe that when I send out positive energy, it comes back to me ....which means I am here to help my friends in any way I can. If you find something here that makes sense to you, or that you enjoy, e-mail me and let me know. Or, just hit me up with a friend request and we'll go from there.

It has occurred to me that we're here for only a very brief have it within your power to make of your life whatever you wish.

Choose to make it something other people will miss when you're gone. I think if we can do Himself smiles your way.

I love my doggies Lady and Nellie Belle (both Shetland Sheepdogs). They're both Senior citizens but so full of life. They are a living lesson. As are most animals if you take the time to learn from them.
I'm "into" art pretty a lot. All kinds. I still enjoy my own artwork....the digital stuff with wires and tendrils doing strange things...and of course my oil paintings like my Lilacs here:

It's always a treat to see that my work affects people in a positve way.Oh,'s a thought: if you come across a piece of artwork that a Creator has made...and ya just don't seem to "get" it; don't fret...sometimes art takes a while to speak to you (ever wonder why so many people at museums STARE for long moments at the works there?).
So yeah....even if it's paint thrown on a wall, it means something to the artist who did the throwing...
CARTOON CHARACTERS! I'm nuts for 'em. Watch blogs for drawings of toons....

Toons....supernatural themes...whatever grabs my attention it's a safe bet I'll be exploring the visual possibilities.
LOUNGE DEVILS!! These guys interest the hell outta me...haha... Yeah, check this out. MACK DEVIL AND THE OTHER LOUNGE DEVILS AT THE MONDO VOODOO LOUNGE...are featured in a series of radio specials that I produce here in the Chicago area.

A great mix of music, martini's, and mayhem....Mack plays some kick ass jazzy lounge tunes that are hard to find anywhere playing on the radio.
These one-hour radio gems are going to be available for podcast download this month from MACKDEVIL.COM. There'll be some other cool merchandise in time for Christmas so be watching my bulletins for updates.

The actual roster of lounge devils varies with each show, but my devil bro' Buddy was around for the first 5 episodes...right now it's anyone's guess who'll show up for the next special! Zeek Devil has been rumored to reappear for show 6...but hey for all I could be YOU!I've decided to give in and begin featuring DEVIL GIRLS... (very little horn twisting was required). So if you are a hot horny model looking for some exposure Mack can give that to you on his show! Contact Mack at [email protected].

What else interests me? PEOPLE WHO LOVE ART AND WHO LET IT SPEAK TO THEM....THEY REALLY INTEREST ME. As for the Norman Bates might put it: "People of interest....interest me...."...hahaha.
Speaking of Interesting things: be sure to visit my blogs as I feature more of the interesting things that make up my days...there you can see my auditions...voice-acting projects...and fun new stuff from my radio and cable work. I also post my larger sized artworks - many are wallpaper sized to make your desktop a happier place to be...especially at work! :)

I'd like to meet:

WHO WOULD I LIKE TO MEET..HMMMM... WELL, FOR STARTERS, if you're asking to name names... William Shatner comes to mind....SHIRLEY MANSON, Bruce Campbell, Michael W. Smith, The World Famous Bob, CHARLTON HESTON, HUMPHREY BOGART, LAUREN BACALL, VINCENT PRICE, PETER LORRE, BORIS KARLOFF, Phyllis Diller, Kate Bush, Mel Gibson,
COMEDIANS!!! (they are gods among men they are... I'm not crazy about the vicious ones, but most of them simply stun me with their amazing observations, impersonations, and delivery).
Aliens. Of any type. From any world. I'm not picky here.

I would love to meet a werewolf. Preferably after it's already eaten something and has a full tummy. I like Vampires, but it's Werewolves that I love. Must be those fangs and CLAWS.
Peace Lovers,
Mickey Roarke, Jesus, Johnny Depp, Leonard Nimoy, Lewis Carroll, Moses, King David, Solomon, (meeting all his wives would be nice too), the guy who does Spongebob's voice; Tom Kenny, my Father, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Edgar Allen Poe...AUDIO BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY CO-PRODUCING, NARRATING, AND ACTING IN:

Okay so, as for meeting people...I think it cums down to anyone who brings something INTERESTING OR KIND to the table....THAT's who I'd like to meet.
Hey; I want to meet YOU!


MUSIC! Favorite songs this year: A happy tune by Yuko Ogura called: Onna no ko Otoko no.

(nothing playing on popular radio that's for sure). I like heavy metal.

RED QUEEN by Coil. Like that song a whole lot. "GLASS" by Joy Division...way decent tune, that.
Favorite song of all time: Mad Monster Party. Great music and vocals...sounds like a James Bond theme song, but the lyrics have to do with monsters. You GOTTA love that.
I have a deep respect for artists, writers, musicians, singers, songwriters...actors, models, burlesque performers....entertainers of all kinds. Tamara Alexis is an incredibly talented singer/songwriter/amazing person. The music and the imagery found in her song "Dirty Feet" is wondrous.

Likewise, if you appreciate an artist's it! If you appreciate MY work BUY it....(or at least make me something nice for dinner!) Spread the word and turn other people onto the stuff you like...that's how cool stuff stays around a long while folks. So yeah, if you listen to a band....or love a comedian's their albums, go see 'em your love!

Really like the Cocteau Twins, THE TEAR GARDEN, COIL, THE LEGENDARY PINK DOTS, Psychedelic Furs, The Damned, Depeche Mode, JOY DIVISION... David Bowie, Peter Murphy(can't rightly say David Bowie's name without HIS).Kevorkian Death Cycle, Echo and The Bunnymen, Bauhaus, The Cars, FischerSpooner,

Divine Science = Marissa, Kristin Hoffman, Analog Missionary, Billy Corgan, Interpol, Lonesome Spurs, U2, Violet UK, Beck,
Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Hellraiser 1&2 Soundtracks,
ABBA(trust me on this), Rolling Stones..Long Live Mick Jagger.

Cheap Trick's early stuff,
William Shatner on stage doing anything is true genius...can make reading names in a phonebook destination entertainment...the man IS a genius.
I like anything that sounds loungy....
Anything from THE 50'S....some of the best music was written in the EIGHTIES. Thank you Ric Ocasek.
Pigface, Slick Idiot, Rockabilly is good...
I love lots and lots about Kate Bush...and Fiona Apple.
I enjoy most forms of music there is....all save one: rap and hip-hop.
HAVING SAID THAT. My friend WICKED has been doing her best to corrupt me this Summer. To the point that, believe it or not I actually heard some ICP that did not suck. Oh, but wait, there's MORE: the infection has apparently spread to the rest of my brain 'cause now I'm jammin to a Jamie Madrox tune. I need a vaccination.

...totally moved by Johnny Cash. Katnerine Whalen sings nice..I like some pop music but it has to be great.

Anything sung by women as long as it's well-written, with heart and passion...I know I'm gonna love it.
Favorite piece of Classical music (you remember THAT type of music don't you..?!!)...well, it's hard to top Samuel Barber: Adagio For Strings op. 11. It always takes me someplace Spiritual.

I've always wanted to see authentic theater in fact; there's so much I love about Japan as a country and as a culture.

Some of the most beautiful countryside there is....reminds me of the quiet country areas in my home State of Indiana...similar, yet quite different.
I also take delight in the structures of the buildings in Japan...the trees....the flowers found there you can see no where else.

Since this is the "music" section of my Profile here at Planet Zain I would be remiss were I not to mention Marilyn Manson. Yeah; the guy with the wacky eyeballs and pouty lips. Not so much for his music as for the character he portrays. To me...he is one of the most fascinating people I have yet to meet. I didn't say deep(haha), but interesting, nonetheless and on many levels. Even if you're not a big fan of his music or his "anti-Christian" views, he has one helluva fashion sense. Besides, let's face it Christians; God's a Big Boy and isn't phased by the likes of this guy anyhow. Life is too short to make enemies, so do what I do: make love instead.

Or...if no suitable partner is present...create something!


Finding Neverland, Anything with Johnny Depp, Anything with William Shatner will automatically make my "A" list of must-see movie.

As some of my pics show, I enjoy appearing in whatever local horror production is going on. I mean, I chase spooky. Love Halloween and think at times it would be great to have an entire month dedicated to it. "National Halloween Heritage Month." Hmmmm.......I like the sound of that.....think I'll call my congressman.
I still like OLD SCHOOL HORROR...
That means, I want my spooky cabins to CREAK DUST when you walk across the floors. Save the slick production values for Sci-Fi. Still really love Farscape. I WILL have a drink with Elvira, Bruce Campbell & Claudia Black one night. ;)Note to popular directors out there: give us less; "evil is King"... and instead; show Evil getting It's ASS kicked."
Hollywood; I'm talking directly to YOU now: " give us films and stories and characters...where we can CHEER when the bad guy gets it in the end....! THAT's the kind of movie I'll watch.
I like anything with adventure, mystery...things dealing with the circus or carnival always get my attention...I love clowns....from a DISTANCE, mind you...but I do love
In fact, I have always enjoyed clowns in films. Partly because they terrify me. I like comedies as long as the humor's not too obvious....and one of the reasons why I still tune in to watch Seinfeld. Jason Alexander was a huge unsung hero there...he makes what he does as George...look effortless; and THAT is a sign of huge acting talent.
Good comedy is so rare these days!! I would so love to see a clown in movies like the one I appeared as (above) in a photo shoot.
As for classic film; Casablanca still does it for me....a more romantic film is hard to find. Humphrey Bogart is a gem among stones in the category of the creative force known as actors. ARSONIC AND OLD LACE...Cary Grant was otherworldly in his performance there...such sustained manic energy...Robin Williams would be proud. THE NUTTY PROFESSOR (The original and best Jerry Lewis version of course), Love all the Indiana Jones films, I enjoy anything daring....experimental...
Check this out, it's a cool map of everyone who visits this profile:


I don't watch much of TeeVee these days unless it's episodes of the very top notch Andy Griffith Show...(black and white only!)....Dick Van Dyke show...the black and white version...genuine good stuff there. I usually opt to invest my TeeVee watching time instead by creating my own works. I also do my part to help raise AWARENESS.
So yeah...mostly whenever I do tune into TeeVee, it's a safe bet that the room's soon filled with the happy sounds of BOINKS & BOOMS! (cartoons).
I love a good biography, but I'm much more interested in WHAT I AM DOING than the people in the biography.
If I'm in the mood, I'll suffer through Stern....or some other bizarre fare. Part of me would like to believe that someone as abrasive as Howard is genuinely a nice guy if he wasn't after ratings.
I tend to bore easily with what passes for entertainment these in order for programming to be of any use to me it really has to hold my interest!! Another reason why I'll drop whatever I'm doing when I hear William Shatner is on the tube...THAT guy is doing something cool all the time...and it's about time that Executive Producers realized that, and now place a camera somewhere near him...!


My all time favorite story remains Alice In Wonderland....Through The Looking Glass...
I love EVERYTHING about that story...the characters are very much alive to me...
I think I must have a cheshire cat living in my house. I think I catch glimpses of him grinning wildly as he watches me drift to sleep. I have been delighted to meet some of you who also have had dealings with this... "cat".

I like books about the afterlife. I'll read any book that has a redeeming message...something positive...something good!The Hellbound Heart is a good read.
THE YATTERING AND JACK....still freaks me out and is one of Clive Barkers best short stories...a lot of fun there. Legend of Sleepy Hollow is classic wonderful stuff.


My Father (God Rest His Soul) was everyone's Hero. He was killed when I was 6 months old...on Valentines Day. My family and my Mother tell me I am so much like him it scares them. So in a way...he lives on. ROCK.
My Mother is my hero for holding her family of SEVEN crumb crunchers together while Social Services did their best to console my grieving Mom by trying to take me, my brothers, and my sisters away from her too - by placing us in foster homes. My mom was a wounded WOLF protecting her cubs with all she had....somehow the miraculous happened....and she kept our family together....WE OWE YOU ONE MA.
And Dad...if you're reading owe me a long walk in heaven with my dogs Rex and Indy...!!My Older Brother Larry is my hero....and makes me wish I were a better man...bastard.
All of my sisters who are gems, my Uncle Skip; who reminded me of a crusty sailor...always smoked his pipe and dispensed the advice of ALL THREE Wise Men...
Jesus,(duh)...have you hung on a cross for my sins lately?
My personal hero is VINCENT PRICE. There just isn't enough space here to do the reasons justice, but they are many and varied. Some close to me say Vincent and I share a similar spirit and approach to life. Very well could be. He was, in layman's terms - a brilliant, kind, and mysterious man.
Moses, Charleton Heston (it was quite a shock to discover as a boy that the two were not the same)...I think I cried all day. CLINT EASTWOOD... Angels, Mack Devil, The Lounge Devils, (loved their radio show...), Anyone who shows kindness...those are the people I always want around me. ANGELS flock to folks like that.
My Heroes are Everyone who supports my work.
People who pray for me that I don't even know.
An "old" friend made this painting for me and gave it to me...then she vanished.
snapvine="begin" " / Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
My friends are among my greatest heroes and each of them knows why.
You never know how long a time you have with your friends, so enjoy them while you are still together...
One of my favorite places in the whole world is my garden...ideas, visions, and...other things...visit me there...
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My Blog


Hello Friends,Welcome to my newest audio book for Davefilms San Diego.I've assembled a sample from my narration of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Truly a remarkable story.  This particular audio bo...
Posted by Lord Zain on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 07:15:00 PST


Hi everyone, and welcome to the place on myspace where I feature all the cool paintings, poetry and other wonderful gifts that friends make for me.And I would like to bring up that the e-mails and pos...
Posted by Lord Zain on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 09:55:00 PST


(the above awesome artwork made for me by Kelli Lives).Remember trick-or-treating.....?The awesome scent of Halloween candy that filled your senses when you took peeks inside your treatbag(which in th...
Posted by Lord Zain on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 04:00:00 PST


So hey; ZAIN's been officially "tagged" by my friend Kate...!! you know the deal: I share 6 WEIRD thingzzzzz about me and tag 6 others who post the 6 weird things about them in their bl...
Posted by Lord Zain on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 02:57:00 PST


Time for a magical walk through The Zain Gallery! I have decided to post many of my artworks here, adding pieces as I find them.  Some of the visions I'll be featuring are works never beforeseen ...
Posted by Lord Zain on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 02:28:00 PST


Here's a pic of how I decorated my living room.I've been asked by friends to help them with the interior design of their it made sense to post a pic showing one of the rooms I decorated in ...
Posted by Lord Zain on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:53:00 PST


HERE IT IS...THE SCREEN TEST FOR MACK DEVIL!! My Mack Devil Persona was featured in this 46 second screentest, which won Mack the role as the hostfor a 13-episode project that will begin filming this...
Posted by Lord Zain on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 11:25:00 PST


HEY KIDS!IT'S ZAIN AUDITIONING FOR A ROLE IN A HOLLYWOOD HORROR MOVIE!Yep; its' true and you can see it right here...In my effort to just...share more of what it is I do when I'm not creating digital ...
Posted by Lord Zain on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 12:31:00 PST


I've always loved pyramids...ever since I first saw pictures of Egyptian pyramids in my first grade schoolbook.Though I am unfamiliar with the exact claim to power that pyramids promise,I certainly am...
Posted by Lord Zain on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 12:08:00 PST


Angels......and a Devil...(Mack Devil to be precise...)Art and music,these are marriages meant to last beyond the ravages of time. I like the roses in this one....and the pearls. Of course, I always...
Posted by Lord Zain on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 03:52:00 PST