beaniest beaner of beaners profile picture

beaniest beaner of beaners


About Me

bean 5000 ........ Manufactor de auible:visual structures . / Le bass comunication ../ proton relocation. Sculptures: composited of welded steel' and various electronics.--..them ions built to last, adding and sub-tracting particals is the game /audio ((( magnetic occilation bundled with electostatic sweepers . At the lab we enjoying bass modulation in many of the mainframe moduals.beshure and check out my music page [5000]. .

My Interests

dementions. atmospheric conditions, surviving earth the next 30 yrs and enjoying it. . massive sound systems. explorations of the unknown and revisited. mountains with snow on them. helicopters. dirigibles [blimps]. earth people. fresh air. Ctrl+Alt+Del

I'd like to meet:



... DOPE DRAGON //Gang Related/Mask. REPREZENT! FULL cycle . .V . CONGO NATTY! .breakbeat era. NOISIA. VECTOR BURN. VA. autechre . luke vibert . raju akieda. basic unit . robert henke . silicon scally. alec empire. . funkstörung. cloinc. MBMF. bus driver. deltron3030. beans. /// to name a fewmost music yeah is apriciated on some level or another .. its all energy.


2001 space odyssy . close encounters of the 3rd kind. . solaris (original version) .THX1198. stalker. existenz. . 12 monkeys. matrix. cube. blade runner. underground. breakin'.baraka. . LIFE AQUATIC. style wars. earth type existances and other planatary situation films.


max headroom


critical path - bucky fuller , Bio diesel America .cosmic trigger. - drumming on the edge of magic -


MCMC, nicoli tesla.