I'd like to meet:
Alfred Hitchcock (yes, I realize that's going to be mighty hard)...The entire cast of the Simpsons...Kevin Spacey...Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo...And others.
Pretty much all country except for Shania, Dave Matthews, 50's stuff especially the Rat Pack, Michael Buble is awesome, I'm pretty open to anything.
Clue, When Harry Met Sally, Goodfellas, Bull Durham, High Fidelity, Grosse Point Blank, Shawshank Redemption, Chasing Amy, The American President, Drop Dead Gorgeous. I could keep going, but I think I'll stop.
The Simpsons, but the old ones, they started declining around Season 11. Almost all HBO shows, I loved Sex and the City and Six Feet Under. Still hooked on Sopranos and now on Big Love. Big fan on the Unit and JT got me into Alias. Survivor and The Amazing Race are must sees as well.
I only just started reading regularly. I like a lot of non-fiction. The latest Cary Grant biography by Marc Eliot is outstanding. I like pretty much anything by Nick Hornby (High Fidelity, About a Boy). The Unfortunate Incident With the Dog in the Nighttime was excellent as well.
My uncle, Tom, for fighting until the end and my nephew, Austin, for pulling through.