Just traveled up the malabar cost of india to Goa, then I flew to
Delhi and was Im Manali in the Himalayas.Just been in hongkong for
a few days its was sooooo fun , was in Bangkok hangin out with all
the freaks , have been snorkling in Koh Phagnan and Now im Back in
NZ, hangin in Dunnas for a while.So yeah ive been travelling have
a look at my travelogue
(click here)
havent you got anything better to do?
love to garden, Im growing cactus plants, San Pedros,
and organic vege garden,.. when not travelling. Make vids, take photos, paint, bake my own bread, gluten free cos im allergic to wheat, it makes me grumpy. Like to cook, grow my own garden because organic are good for you and you know it. Into sustainable architecture and living . Im not a hippy tho , Meat is good ,especially wild pig that my bros bring round and I cook us a roast. yes dogs , cats like em, Horses LOOOVEE horses drive out of town every few days and have a chat with them and give them some grass, what else .. People , kind of useful somtimes , cuddles and chats and occasional fun and with the special ones . sex , yeah sex is good , espec when u dig eachother. Good food , good friends, happy familys , LOVE , sweetness , ocasionally getting fucked up and BEING creative rather than A big old hater , and you ?
I'd like to meet:
People who are creative and real and not into messing with my head
what im listening to rite now on itunes and you can click this and find stuff out bout the songs coooooool
Just say the yeah yeah yeahs in auckland fuck they were cool, im into all sorts of music , and this was and awesum concert I loved it... and the after party was bitchen , people were so immaculately dressed and I was Down stairs from show girls ... loads of fun, y y y fans are a good crew i reakon
URIAH HEEP. ther from the 70s , my dad introduced me to them when I was a kid, it was his only ROCK in his record collection, the rest was classical. Ther still goin too!!! love em and you may too ....
I make music... my experi....mental music
I make music... my and some other kinds as well
my favourite artists this week (that my itunes played)
why bother tv in NZ is terrible with a capital T. I dont tune it much, I get good shows on Dvd and watch them sometimes. Cartoons rock. Shortland street , a good case for a geneticly modified disease that targets only Baaaad actors who shop at the Greylynn foodtown and makes their voices go all chipmunk like so they cnt go on tv ANYMORE !@!!!! Watch this instead ....
Just read Cryptonomicon , it was like 3000 pages and a bit long winded,
Just read all the dan brown books (davinchi code) and the whole harry potter series , the dan brown got lame after 2 books cos hes formulaic as fuck. At the moment medical text books from the 24 hour book sale. May one day ill beable to perform Brain transplants (procedure of the week goes here) and stuff !!!!