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FULL TIME HUSTLE Entertainment is a Management Company thats owned and managed by Cassandra. The Movement started June 2006 and has soared since Then! I provide my Artists with my expertise in Management and Development in their careers. I'm searching for driven, talented artists who are willing to achieve success with Full Time Hustle Entertainment Company. I also maintain each area of entertainment by ensuring the presence of the necessary resources for my clients on any development level. "I Come With The Unexpected!!!" Please feel free to visit my company's website: www.fulltimehustleent.com
WANTED FULL TIME HUSTLERS STREET TEAM "F.T.H Street Team". If you Hustle 24/7 and Love the Club scenes, parties and "The Street" come grind with us... Calling all AREAS and AGES!!! Incentives Included for the Hustlers! Ladies and Gents it doesn't get any better than this!!! We are Doing BIG things and constantly making moves. Keep GRINDING and HUSTLINGHustle Hard!
"THA TRUTH"ALL INTERESTED ARTISTS can submit an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) which includes: Bio, Pictures and at least three songs.... send it to [email protected]