The Kiwanis Adonis profile picture

The Kiwanis Adonis

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I don't like tooting my own horn (in public) so here's an excerpt from my Interpol file:
The Kiwanis Adonis controls all! A shadowy figure, the one known as Jack Longfellow, aka The Kiwanis Adonis aka The Amazin' Mason aka the Knight of Columbus, is rumored to be an elite member of every fraternal organization and secret society in the world! There is some documentation to maintain that he belongs to the Eagles, the Elks, The Moose, The Freemasons, The OddFellows, The Saracen Masons, The Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo, Skull and Bones, The Z Zen Zionists, Opus Dei, The Indiana Corn Masons, The Modern Woodmen of America, The United Order of the Golden Cross, The Bilderbergers, The National Ancient Order of Hibernians, The Rosicrucians, The Shriners, The Knights of the Golden Eagle, The Knights of Columbus, The Knights of Malta, The Knights of Pythias, The Knights Templar, The Stonecutters, and many more. He's a Thugee, a Pinkerton Agent, a Hearst and a Rockefeller (on the Ford side). He's the one who introduced Jack Parsons to L.Ron Hubbard! He's still got grass stains on his knees from the grassy knoll! He's the one who told Vince McMahon to tell Earl Hebner to screw Bret Hart! According to unnamed sources, nary a decision or a dollar is made anywhere around the globe without the Kiwanis Adonis getting a taste.
Government officals have revealed formerly classified files that claim the Kiwanis Adonis in plotting to exert his infulence in the lowly organization known as S.S.P. Wrestling! It appears rumor has become fact, as Kiwanis Adonis is back and is already pulling strings and running things! He is slowly recruiting allies into the greatest wrestling stable in all history, The Secret Society! Every wrestler who has been seen in the company of The Kiwanis Adonis has vehemently denied being any part of this so-called "Secret Society", but their actions clearly show otherwise. Field agents strongly suggest continued observations of The Kiwanis Adonis' movements the first wednesday of every month at the Re-Bar in Seattle!
I'm available for independant bookings on the west coast. Email: [email protected]

My Interests

Managing wrestlers to victory. Ruling every aspect of your life without you even knowing it. Dominating SSP Wrestling from without and from within. I like to do that the first wednesday of every month at the Re-Bar in Seattle! I'm available for independant bookings on the west coast. Email: [email protected]

I'd like to meet:

Wrestlers to join my cadre! The world's greatest conflagration of human wrecking machines, The Secret Society! Get the real money! Make the promoters work for you instead of you working for them! Learn my secrets of mind over matter, will over wristlocks! My exclusive program is guaranteed* to turn you into the most famous wrestler in the United States! Let the Kiwanis Adonis be your mouthpiece and your every wrestling fantasy will be realized!

*(guarantee not valid in the continental united states)


I am music and I write the songs. Cry, young girls, cry!


I'm the one that's been telling Tom Cruise what to do.


I'm the one responsible for the all-digital switchover! I just wasn't taking enough of your dumb monkey money!


I published the first bible and have made a dollar off of every one sold since then. I also ghost-wrote the Lord of The Rings while J.R.R. Tolkien smoked opium.


I invented the concept of the hero as PR for Alexander the Great, who was then known as Alexander the Forgettable.

My Blog

Kiwanis Adonis speaks from his hospital bed!

Dear Monkeys,A lot of people have accused me of being cold, calculating, evil and unfeeling.Well, i'll tell you, I have feelings, like anyone else.In fact, i'm having some feelings right now...I'm fee...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 08:44:00 PST

...and still the SSP People's champion

Greetings, my fans and acolytes! It is I, your leader and SSP Champion The Kiwanis Adonis, paragon of virtue and ability and guiding beacon of the New Golden Dawn of SSP! So, SSP Commissioner "Mr. Fai...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 01:20:00 PST


Oh yes, monkeys, oh yes! I'll tell you something, the only thing better than being the manager of the champion, and that's being the champion yourself!And I would like to point out that my championshi...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Fri, 04 May 2007 10:30:00 PST

Scenes from the beginning of SSP (Secret Society Pro) Wrestling

Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Tue, 01 May 2007 12:02:00 PST

Enter the Glorious New Golden Dawn of SSP Wrestling!

Oh, it feels so, so good!Finally, my plans have been realized! I sit here at the Lodge as I write this, and I look up at the marble mantle over the huge fireplace and I cast my gaze upon the glitterin...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:44:00 PST

Too much talking?! Not enough listening!!

What do you dumb mouth-breathers mean "Too much talking"?! You people should consider it worth the price of admission to listen to five seconds of my melodious voice! Actually, i'm impressed someone t...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:52:00 PST

Wed March 7th...Bear vs Clown II - The Rematch!

Ronald McFondle thought he was so smart! His drunken plan of bringing a pic-a-nic basket full of fish to distract and disqualify my Human Bear Unbelievable Owen Straw only worked for a second! Then, w...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:47:00 PST

A Christmas Card from the Kiwanis Adonis

I had no idea when I invented Christmas that it would prove to be so profitable for me!That's right, suckers, every dollar you spend on Christmas, I get $.75! So, whether you think you're having a "re...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 09:48:00 PST

You SSP Fans are safe...for now!!

That's right, you dumb monkeys! I've re-captured the Human Bear Unbelievable Owen Straw! He went wild at the last SSP show and played right into my hands! Later that night he was resting peacefully in...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:09:00 PST

Bear attacks up 100% at SSP shows!

It's a dangerous world we live in, folks. Even the beer-swilling slugs who regularly attend SSP shows at the SSP Arena aren't safe from the most dangerous predator in the northwest...THE GRIZZLY BEAR!...
Posted by The Kiwanis Adonis on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:38:00 PST