My love lucy,music,art,my dogs,my fish,my snake,my turtle, frogs and eel.,movies,relaxing, comp games,wolves,the sub guenius,life,death,lov'in,history,laughing,michigan,the human factor,,traveling,skiing,having and all around good time and lastly but most important exploring the light and dark sides of the soul to truly know ones self..with out knowing we are lost.Understanding the true carnel nature of the beast.
"classic beauty never goes astray""class is more than skin deep"
Roger Waters/David GilmoreMorrisoncEvin Key/oGhrpink floyd,zepplin,the exploited,nurse with wound,the dots,beck,the puppies,r.e.m,pornopopia,the sex pistols,ween,the cult,the cure,system,disturbed,beck,ween,kramer,coil,3 doors down,the doors,marley bob and ziggy,the cash man,the cat man,lightfoot,enya,enigma,outcast,ministry,the surfers,most anything not 2 rappy or country, that sh#t kills brain cells.Edward Ka-spel/The Silver man
Goerge Romero'shorror films 4 the most part,dracula,(most vamp movies) dawn of the dead,the old and the new "what do u know",c.h.u.d, blair witch,alien,near dark,fight club, brave hart,waking life,star wars,the wall,spider man,the x men,old monster films like godzilla,ultra man and crearure from the black lagoon,the thing,some where in time,its a wonderfull life,blade runner,butterfly effect,the usual suspects,the wall,any movie with good dramatic effect.
BSG,lost,twilight zone,how its made,simpsons,family guy,south park,the sapranos,the long departed creature feature on channal 50,rome,oh ya my very fav cash cab,most anything on the history channel and thats about itMan vs Machine
I claudieus(by himself),confucius speaks,brave new world (Huxley),any thing by Poe (4 his kindred soul),lord of the fly's,the art of war (Tzu),the lord of the rings,most the bachman books(short stories by a young steven king),early clive barker(the great and secret show,weave world,imagica,cabal,and all his short stories{the books of blood})."My kindred spirit"
washington,handcock,jefferson,all the founding fathers,homer,christ,confucius,Tzu,gandi,claudieus,chong,m scott,rand,the silver man,the green guy,brutus,e.q,people that are seekers of truth. Richard Biggums the Rev,mick orcest,clair and a few others."the best role model period""if all wars were fought right""the meek will inherit the earth?"