playing guitar, music in general, going long walks,
People i'd like to meet are, jimmy Page, Halle berry, Rocky, steve Vai, Allan Holdsworth and Harry Potter..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
And You Are...? (Really fun-to-do, random survey!)
When was the last time you got drunk?: last week
What's your favorite style of socks?: ones with holes
One big gift or a bunch of little gifts?: little gifts
Have you ever thrown a pair of shoes on a telephone pole wire outside?: nope
When is your birthday?: 11th march
Who's your best friend?:
Do you like energy drinks?: kinda
When was the last time you went to a carnival or a fair?: last year
Do you like upside down rollercoasters?: so so
Have you ever witnessed/been in a wet t-shirt contest?: not yet
Hotdogs or hamburgers?: both
What's your favorite kind of chips?: mcCain
Have you ever twisted up a swing and then untwisted it and spun around?: yeah
What was your favorite contraption at a playground when you were a kid?: swings
What's a helix lucorum?: no idea
What's your favorite aquatic creature?: fish
Who's the best teacher in your school?: not at skol
Would you ever eat hufu?: dont know what that is
How far away do you live from Ontario, Canada?: a good bit
Have you ever been to Alaska?: nope
Ever drive your car on a sidewalk?: no
Would you rather bake brownies or cookies?: cookies
Do you like to make s'mores at a campfire?: i suppose
Who was your favorite power ranger?: none of them
What's your favorite flavor coffee?: black
Do you own a knife?: no
Are you pro or against the death penalty?:
How many scars do you have on your body, that are non-surgical?: 4
What is one turn-off of someone you are interested in?: none
What is one turn-ON of someone you are interested in?: she likes me
Do you own a fish?: yeah
Do you think there's other life in the universe?: yeah
Are you afraid of cemetaries?: nope
Ever seen a bar fight?: yes
Do you wear hats/beanies?: nope
Would you rather have a hoodie or a comfy winter coat?: hoodie
Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?: closed
Are you the type that can sleep anywhere if need be?: yeah
What are you mostly addicted to?: playing guitar
Are you supposed to be doing something else instead of this survey?: not really
Where's the last country you think you'd ever go on vacation to?: kazachstan
Have you ever eaten anything that was inside a garbage can?:
What will your wedding song be?: slipknot - pulse of the maggots
How many times do you say "fuck" a day?: fuck knows
What's your most-used swear word?: fuck
Do you fear death?: no
Do you go to the beach in the summertime?: sometimes
What's your favorite video game?: splinter cell
Are you currently dating someone?: yes
Have you cheated on them at all?: nope
Have you ever played in a huge mud slide?: nope
Do you like to play football with your friends?: im lazy so no
Do you like big crowds?: depends if they smell or not
When was the last time you checked the time?: afer i answered this question
How bored are you, exactly?: mah
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Led zep,jimi hendrix,pearl jam, stone roses, Jack johnson, pantera, johnny cash, damien rice, chili's, train, 3 doors down, goo goo dolls, santana, paul gilbert, jason becker, charlie parker, jimmy eat world, guns n roses, ac/dc, killers, kooks, the verve, phonics, alter bridge, the used, black sabbath, babyshambles, Allan Holdsworth, Brecker Brothers, etc etc...
The godfather, waynes world, school of rock, lord of the rings, forrest gump, all rocky films, saw 1+2, Green Street, Trainspotting,
scrubs, the simpsons, fresh prince of bel air,
da vinci code, fleshmarket close, angels an demans, lord of the flies, of mice and men, naming of the dead.
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