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About Me

ENGLISH: Been born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands), in September of 1979. Their beginnings went to the early age of 13 years from was perfecting their technique like Dj in private celebrations until I arrive his to him first opportunity to play in a called club Reverso in year 93, in the occasion of an aid of Dj there ..s where I am in third position. Of all the ways that can cross a Dj to arrive to be recognized, Ruym..n has chosen one of but difficult but without a doubt the one of but the rewarding ones, the way of the work, the one to demonstrate to the things day to day, where it is reflected in his productions and their sessions. After playing in several celebrations organized by one pirate radio dedicated exclusively to electronic music, it obtains first residence in a called club Babal.. (After located in El Puerto de la Cruz) in year 1999/2000. In that same year it is going to comprise of the selected ones by DJ Seagull (well-known, Dj veteran, speaker and promoter of Tenerife) for his called celebrations Level Connexion in which they participated Dj..s of the stature of: Tony Verdy, Angel Molina, Cristian Varela, JL Magoya, M..nica Osmos, etc. Developing effective and full, direct sessions to the dancefloor, in which nobody was indifferent, sessions of Deep tech, Electro House, Minimal, Techno House, Progressive House In the occasion of the success in these celebrations give the opportunity him to puncture in a program of radio called with he himself name Level Connexion in Radio 21, with emission of Monday to Saturdays where Ruym..n made its sessions Tuesdays in 2 hours of program with cover at provincial level. To day of today he has played in all clubs and discotecas of the island of Tenerife as they can be: Dcafe, Sketch (resident Thursday), BB+, Vampis, Barock, Metropolis, Kyoto, Mambo (resident), pub Sho (resident), Exite, Musa, Om Club (resident) and to participated in most of the important events but like: Presentation of volume 10 of Cafe del Mar in Fa..ab.. beach next to its resident Bruno Lepetre, Spaced Festival, Events of Tropical cocktails, Carnival 2002 organized by Elementhal Events, After de Carnavales 2005 in discoteca Kyoto with Oscar de Rivera Chus and Ceb..llos, Javi Colors, Dformation, Dr Kucho, Wally Lopez. After de Carnavales 2005 in the discoteca the Sat with LocoDice. Presentation in exclusive right of Dual of Sim..n and Shaker in the Disco Sat, Festival Tenerife Baila 2005 with Thony Thomas and Dj Lima, organized by Exite Events, DancePool 3 with Random Factor organized by Elementhal Events and Syncope Recordings, Festival the International of Renewable Energies Eolica 2005, where I make a Seth as a showcase with ableton live, with an attendance of 15,000 people sharing scene and poster with: Hernan Cattaneo, John Creamer and Stephan K, Terry Lee Brown Jr, David Penn, N.B.C. Project, Phono, Ant, Random Factor, Javier Carballo, Logan, Cobblestone Jazz, Lars Sommerfiel, Joy Kitikonti, D..Watchman, Cycle, Us3, Wattsriot Dj, etc. Their international but important exits were: in the called celebration Eclectic Bogaloo, made in South Beach, Miami in the occasion of the Winter Music Conference 2004, celebration announced in the programming of WMC 2004 and putting his sand grain like DJHIGHLIGHTS of WMC 2004, it presents/displays his own session and its subjects sharing cabin with: Marcos Miranda (lo + plus), Fernando Daxta, David de Barce (Hotel Costes, France), Marcos Cruz (Cathedral, Seville), Camilo Franco (Dj Luky Expression) and Rebeca Brown (lo + plus). OPA Paris (France), with DANCELWERK (sirius pandi rec - sounderground rec) and Fernando Daxta (sirius pandi rec), in the presentation of the seal Sirius Pandi Label. Ruym..n at the time of making its sessions uses as much vinyls, cd..s and Final Scratch. I complete event in that I participate, in Barcelona, in the occasion of tour Eolica 2006, event that is made in Tenerife the 15 of July where it shares poster with artists of the stature of Trentemoller, Michael Mayer, Ocean Colour Scene, Northern Lite, John Acquaviva, Sascha funke, Nacho Sotomayor, Mario Piu, 2 Rare People, Muster, Timetourist Mcm Satyagraham, Santiago Posada, Logan, Javier Carballo, Dj Drummer, Luis Groove among others. Magma Meeting 2006, where it shares poster and scene with artists of the stature of: Ada, Martinez, Gabriel Ananda, MANDY, Tobi Neumann, Ellen Allien, Sian, Zoo Brazil, Jona, Heidi, Smash TV, etc. At the end of the 2006 I publish its first work Dark Silence in Electronicautor volume 2. At the beginning of the 2007 it published remix of the subject Groove Rebels - Dicks in the space, by the Toca45 label of recognized the producing Tocadisco and Emill de Moreu, in this e.p was published remix of Sian and the own Tocadisco. At the moment it works in the creation of its own record label with Fran Cabello. Midi_on! Musik tries to be a seal at the upper level, counting so much with consecrated artists as future promises. ESPA..OL: Nacido en Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Islas Canarias), en septiembre de 1979. Sus comienzos fueron a la temprana edad de 13 a..os a partir de ah.. fue perfeccionando su t..cnica como Dj en fiestas privadas hasta que le llego su primera oportunidad de pinchar en un club llamado Reverso en el a..o 93, con motivo de un concurso de Dj..s donde quedo en tercer puesto. De todos los caminos que puede recorrer un Dj para llegar a ser reconocido, Ruym..n Mas ha elegido uno de los mas dif..ciles pero sin duda uno de los mas gratificantes, el camino del trabajo, el de demostrar las cosas d..a a d..a, donde se ve reflejado en sus temas y sus sesiones. Despu..s de pinchar en varias fiestas organizadas por una radio pirata dedicada exclusivamente a la m..sica electr..nica, le llega su primera residencia en un club llamado Babal.. (After situado en el Puerto de la Cruz) en el a..o 1999/2000. En ese mismo a..o va a formar parte de los seleccionados por DJ Seagull (conocido, veterano Dj, locutor y promotor de Tenerife) para sus fiestas llamadas Level Connexion en las que participaban Dj..s de la talla de: Tony Verdy, Angel Molina, Cristian Varela, JL Magoya, M..nica Osmos, etc. Desarrollando sesiones efectivas y rotundas, cien por cien bailables, en las que nadie quedaba indiferente, sesiones de Deep tech, Electro House, Minimal,Techno House, Progressive House Con motivo del ..xito en dichas fiestas le dan la oportunidad de pinchar en un programa de radio llamado con el mismo nombre Level Connexion en Radio 21, con emisi..n de Lunes a S..bados donde Ruym..n Mas realizaba sus sesiones los Martes en 2 horas de programa con cobertura a nivel provincial. A dia de hoy ha pinchado en todos los clubs y discotecas de la isla de Tenerife como pueden ser: Dcafe, Sketch (residente Jueves), BB+, Vampis, Barock, Metropolis, Kyoto, Mambo (residente), pub Sho (residente), Exite, Musa, Om Club (residente) y a participado en la mayoria de los eventos mas importantes como: Presentaci..n del volumen 10 de Caf.. del Mar en playa Fa..ab.. junto a su residente Bruno Lepetre, Festival Spaced, Eventos de Tropical cocktails, Carnaval 2002 organizado por Elementhal Events, After de Carnavales 2005 en discoteca Kyoto junto a Oscar de Rivera Chus y Ceb..llos, Javi Colors, Dformation, Dr Kucho, Wally L..pez. After de Carnavales 2005 en la discoteca Sat junto a LocoDice. Presentacion en exclusiva del Dual de Sim..n and Shaker en la discoteca Sat, Festival Tenerife Baila 2005 junto a Thony Thomas y Dj Lima, organizado por Exite Events, DancePool 3 junto a Random Factor organizado por Elementhal Events y Syncope Recordings, Festival Internacional de Renovables E..lica 2005, donde realizo un set a modo de showcase con ableton live, con una asistencia de 15.000 personas compartiendo escenario y cartel con: Hernan Cattaneo, John Creamer and Stephan K, Terry Lee Brown Jr, David Penn, N.B.C. Project, Fono, Ant, Random Factor, Javier Carballo, Logan, Cobblestone Jazz, Lars Sommerfiel, Joy Kitikonti, D..Watchman, Cycle, Us3, Wattsriot Dj, etc. Sus salidas internacionales mas importantes fueron: en la fiesta llamada Eclectic Bogaloo, realizada en South Beach, Miami con motivo del Winter Music Conference 2004, fiesta anunciada en la programaci..n del WMC 2004 y poniendo su grano de arena como DJHIGHLIGHTS del WMC 2004, presenta su sesi..n y sus temas propios compartiendo cabina con: Marcos Miranda (lo + plus), Fernando Daxta, David de Barce (Hotel Costes, Francia), Marcos Cruz (Catedral, Sevilla), Camilo Franco (Dj Luky Expresion) y Rebeca Brown (lo + plus). OPA Paris (Francia), donde compartio cabina con DANCELWERK (sirius pandi rec - sounderground rec) y Fernando Daxta (sirius pandi rec), en la presentacion del sello Sirius Pandi Label. Ruym..n Mas a la hora de realizar sus sesiones utiliza tanto vinilos , cd..s y Final Scratch. Ultimo evento en el que participo, en Barcelona, con motivo del tour eolica 2006, evento que se realiza en Tenerife el 15 de julio donde comparte cartel con artistas de la talla de Trentemoller, Michael Mayer, Ocean Colour Scene, Northern Lite, John Acquaviva, Sascha funke, Nacho Sotomayor, Mario Piu, 2 Rare People, Muster, Timetourist Mcm Satyagraham, Santiago Posada, Logan, Javier Carballo, Dj Drummer, Luis Groove entre otros. Magma Meeting 2006, donde comparte cartel y escenario con artistas de la talla de: Ada, Martinez, Gabriel Ananda, MANDY, Tobi Neumann, Ellen Allien, Sian, Zoo Brazil, Jona, Heidi, Smash Tv, etc. IMAGE 2007, junto a Rene Amesz, Damian Lazarus, Jimmy Van M y dj locales. A finales del 2006 salio editado su primer trabajo Dark Silence en Electronicautor volumen 2. A principios del 2007 saldra editado un remix del tema Groove Rebels - Dicks in the space, por el sello Toca45 del reconocido productor Tocadisco y Emill de Moreu, donde compartira remixes junto a Sian y el propio Tocadisco.LINK..S: ts2004.htmhttp://www.elementhal.com ca45http://www.ruymanmas.comhttp://www.eolica.eshttp://www.s harkdj.net
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Member Since: 6/5/2006
Band Website: SESSION:
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Shot at 2007-08-21
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Record Label: tapas recordings - love corporation
Type of Label: None

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Check out this event: bAMBoo CLUB

Hosted By: RUYMAN MAS When: Saturday Jan 12, 2008 at 10:30 PMWhere: bAMBoo CLUBC/GENERAL O´DONNELL 3 ,PLAZA DE LOS PATOSS/C DE TENERIFE, Santa Cruz de Tenerife|377 SpainDescription:RUYMAN MAS Click H...
Posted by RUYMAN MAS on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 04:18:00 PST