Indios Bravos profile picture

Indios Bravos

The only solution is a mental revolution.

About Me

Message from Moderators
Hello to everyone! We noticed that there wasn't an Indios Bravos MySpace site for this talented group! So we decided that we'd go ahead and make one. On a side note, many of you have asked if we had permission to create this space and we have. We've asked the manager if it was alright and we got the okay on it. Thanks to those who have asked us this question. If you have any other questions, send us a message and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Note again that Indios Bravos does NOT look after this space; we do it for them. =)
Stephany E., Monika R. & Sukhvir S.
Have questions about an Indios Bravos concert or anything in reference to the band? Contact Indios Bravos' manager! =)
- Manager Contact Information -
Pawel Gawronski
[email protected]
Telephone : 509129777
It's really hard to say when Indios Bravos' story began. Can we say that the starting point was the moment when Banach first met and - most importantly - heard Gutek? It was in Katowice's Spodek, somewhere around 1996 on some music business party; at the time Banach was in Hey and Gutek was vocaly supporting Overmind.
But could that have been the beginning even though they didn't exchange a single word then? It obviously happened a little later on. It was too much of a formal meeting in one of the Warsaw's pizzerias though to think about it as the start of the artistic collaboration. So maybe the beginning was the meeting on the musical ground? No again, as those meetings where more about exploring and involved listening to the music although they resulted in them trying to put some songs together. But it was so distant from what they did later that we can't refer to it as the beginning of Indios Bravos. The real beggining must have been the song "Drogi" which appeared two years later on the album "Part One". It was Gutek's first album and Banach's tenth but in many ways his first as he recorded it in a way he had never before.
It looked like that - Gutek travelled to Warsaw every now and then and he sang in a little Mokotow flat (eng. part of Warsaw) to a microphone with a net on it taken off the speaker to prevent all the blowing sounds. The microphone when being blown into makes some unwanted crackle sounds and Gutek wanted to sing, not to make crackles. Funny enough, quite often in the very same room Dziuna (Banach's girlfriend) was watching TV and on the floor pet rabbit was having a little round-around.The whole proccess of making the music was brand new to Banach as not only did he play and record all the instruments himself but he also doubled-up as the sound engineer. The idea of creating their own record lable popped into Banach's head but that demanded too much involvement and all the energy was going towards making the album. Kuba Wojewodzki who established an independent record label called Palac Kultury turned out to be a helping hand. The label was created especially to release "Part One" which eventually was made available to the public in May of 1999. Despite not having a major distributor behind the whole album, the stock was sold out. Banach felt exhausted not by recording the album itself but just generally. So he spent the next 3 years traveling the world with Dziuna. In the meantime, Gutek started collaborating with the hip-hop artists and created his own project called Mustafarai.
In 2002 a decision about making the second record was made. The first meeting after couple of years took place in much nicer surroundings - somewhere half way between Szczecin and Koszalin in the attic of a house, boarded with a forest. Their first song for the new album - "Mental Revolution" was born. Later "The Sign" and "The Sun" were polished although Banach got the idea for those two while in Greece.
It's a very cosmopolitan record - two Poles under Spanish-sounding name, recording Jamaican music, ideas of which were first born in France, Greece and Japan. Even if we try to place Indios Bravos' music somewhere in Poland it proves to be very difficult. Gutek was born, grew-up and lives in Katowice. Banach on the other hand is from Szczecin and lives in Warsaw. Szczecin is also home to musicians who make Indios Bravos - the live band because from October 2002 Indios Bravos is not just a studio project but a full band set.
The first gig was very humble. Gutek and Banach were supported on stage by Pawel Gawronski (keyboard and backing vocals) and Krzysztof Sak (guitar). Later the band expanded and was joined by Ryszard Labul (bass), Przemek Filipkowski (keyboard) and Tomek Kubik (drums).

My Interests


Member Since: 6/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Piotr Gutkowski

Piotr Banach

Krzysztof Sak

Ryszard Labul

Marcin Luczynski

Lech Grochala
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Burmese Petition

Update: The mark has gone over 500, 000 in a short amount of time which is awesome! By this week we're hoping it will reach a million. Please sign the petition and help spread the word! Burma is ruled...
Posted by Indios Bravos on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:05:00 PST

Vote for Indios Bravos!

Come on, everyone! Help Indios Bravos win!  Vote, vote, vote and show the love for Indios Bravos! Thanks! =) - M & S...
Posted by Indios Bravos on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:01:00 PST

International Women's Day

Happy Women's Day! "Know your rights; it's your future!" Incase people have forgotten, today is International Women's Day. A day to celebrate the accomplishments of women. It's also to encourage wome...
Posted by Indios Bravos on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:40:00 PST


I know we've been taking very long with responding to messages. We apologize. It's hard when there's just two of us and one can't read/write in Polish. =) I've decided to not open some of the mes...
Posted by Indios Bravos on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:28:00 PST


I don't mean to be an annoying thorn to anyone, but I can't stand it when inappropriate things are being posted on this site. It was created in respect of an amazing group and we'd like to keep it tha...
Posted by Indios Bravos on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 12:55:00 PST

More news!

Indios Bravos has announced details of a brand new album and single. the album called "Tu i Teraz" will be released in September and their first single from this forthcoming record should be out in Au...
Posted by Indios Bravos on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 05:28:00 PST


Hi everyone! We've got some hot news for you! According to the official Indios Bravos site the band is currently working on their new album, which will hopefully be released in September 2006! Wheee!...
Posted by Indios Bravos on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 05:16:00 PST

Got Any Questions Or Concerns?

If you have any questions or if you think we should make a few changes to this place to make it better, don't hesitate to email us. ;-) [email protected] Thanks ahead of time for your su...
Posted by Indios Bravos on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 12:08:00 PST