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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm really not that exciting. I try to be, but glamor eludes me. I'm just an over-tall, overly-thought-out, thirty-one-year-old, married, slum-lord-in-training, rock star-in-training. I just changed jobs, am moving to a luxury-like apartment complex in La Jolla, and am finding it very difficult to dilligently recycle in California. I am addicted to fish taco's and breakfast burritos. I have a mortgage, a car payment, a 401k, and I was bored of it. I decided that security is over-rated so I packed up and moved across the country. I still need to figure out what I'm going to "do" with my life before it's too late. Too bad my talent is not very lucrative.

Contact Tables

My Interests

I play the harmonica. I've done so for a while, and I've yet to grow tired of it. I guess you can say that's an interest. I like girls, but I'm married now, so I like "A girl" I'm interested in my wife. I enjoy movies, but mainly so I can spend two hours not thinking. The music broadly categorized as the blues is big for me, but more so, music in general. I kind of like science, but more in theory than in practice. Off-color humor. .. Opie and Anthony for example. I was a big Sam Kinison fan as a kid. I dabble in home fix-up, recreational alcoholism, minor car repair, reading, computer building, and road rage.

I'd like to meet:

This means celebrities, right? Frankly, I've met most of the living people I want to. Maybe I should call this "I'm glad I met" instead. That list goes like this: Rod Piazza, Kim Wilson, Rick Estrin, Jason Ricci, Nick Curran, James Harman, Chuck Berry, I almost spoke to Stephen King once. . .I guess dead people would include: Bob Marley, Mckinley Morganfield, Chester Burnett, Hitler (I know he was a bad dude, but anyone that nuts has got to be fascinating), Marion Walter Jacobs, Amos Blakemore, George Smith, Wilt Chamberlain... ElvisLiving: Schwarzenegger, John Popper, Keira Knightly, Anthony Cumia, Willie Nelson. I wish I'd seen James Brown and William Clarke


I love music.Right now, I'm digging on Johnny Guitar Watson, Jason Ricci and New Blood, Ben Harper, and stuff that I recorded (JD Bone and ED and the Bluepills). I'm also loving my favorite blues band in San Diego "West of Memphis".


I watch Forrest Gump, Braveheart, and Back to the Future every time they're on. The funny thing is, I never watch the DVD's. . . and I own em.


I recently got cable when I moved. I like Dog the Bounty Hunter, Dirty Jobs and Hannah Montana. That's right... it's some wholesome-ass-shit. You got a problem with that? Family Guy and Simpsons are good. Hell's Kitchen makes me laugh. I love it when Gordon Ramsey says, "It looks like the dog's dinner".


I read many books by Stephen King and Anne Rice in the past 5 years. Last year I read a ton of science fiction by Isasc Asimov. I just read 2001, 2010, and the Octavia Butler collection "Lilith's Brood"


Rod Piazza, (look him up. he's the biggest influence on my playing and attempts at showmanship). Arnold. So he's a fat rich politician now, but he started as a bodybuilding god. He helped bring bodybuilding up from "freak show" status, then made a million in real estate before he got into movies. Then, he conquered Hollywood. Then, he married a Kennedy, and became governor of California. If that's not "living the American dream" I don't know what is. Listen to Jason Ricci's "Snowflakes and Horses". I hate to admit to heroes that aren't way older than me, but he may qualify.

My Blog


I like to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force.  Whaddaya think o' that shit?
Posted by Dan on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 08:37:00 PST

Harmonica Dan

Perhaps this will be read, perhaps not.  If some read, many of those will not get this.  Maybe they'll think its "Gay".  If you don't get it then F. U.  I met this crazy kid who t...
Posted by Dan on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 01:44:00 PST

I like Ice Cube

It seems out of character, but I like Ice Cube, Shaggy, and I used to really like Public Enemy.  I guess it's my generation. . .
Posted by Dan on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 02:15:00 PST

vanity plates

I think it's really stupid when people get vanity plates that say the model of the car they drive.  Hey dumb-ass... Your car has a badge already telling everyone what it is.  Does any car no...
Posted by Dan on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 10:53:00 PST


i'm supposed to be working, but I can't get started.  It's simple.  Just fire up the instrument, make a standard curve, collect some data, support the next big drug that's injected into the ...
Posted by Dan on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:49:00 PST


Have you ever seen a chinchilla in person?  I saw one once in college.  My friend Steve knew this girl who kindof looked like Shelly Duvall (Popeye, The Shining).  So we went to her apa...
Posted by Dan on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 02:30:00 PST