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El diablo sabe mas por viejo que por diablo

About Me

What is there to say? My page says everything, doesn't it? That is why I fill everything out and personalize it with a cool layout. You should get a pretty good idea of who I am and what it means to be me just from looking at my pictures and my friends. My past, present and future is on this page for the world to see. What more can I write here that would give you a better idea of who I am?

My Interests

Hmmm...Maybe you should just read the "I'd like to meet" section to get an idea of where my interests lie.

I'd like to meet:

Is this where I put my Top 5 list? I can't imagine that would be good for my marriage. My wife would probably kill me if I listed all the hollywood hotties that I would bend over backwards to meet. I mean, really, say I wrote, oh I don't know, Jennifer Garner. What would that do to my wife? Or me, when my wife reads this? Or even Kate Beckinsale, does that mean I will be sleeping on the couch tonight? Would I be breaking relationship etiquette to mention Rachel McAdams here? I know, I know. I am treading a very fine line of danger just by writing Natalie Portman. But what guy doesn't flirt with danger writing someone of the opposite sex here? There are times in a man's life when he has to take a stand. Writing Jessica Alba here is not one of those times. It would be easier (and far more damning) to just put a link to Maxim's Hot 100 here, but I will refuse. I am not here to stand up for men's rights everywhere. I don't care if you think I am being weak for not listing my Top 5 hotties here. I love my wife and would not do anything that would cause tension in our relationship. I apologize, but there is only so much a wife can take and I think that is just about it.


I like to listen to all music. Well, not really. I can't say I am into christian rock (or christian rap or christian death metal or anything christian for that matter). My music (including mp3's, CD's and tapes, yes tapes) range from rap to heavy metal to club/trance to classical. I can't say there is one music that captures who I am. Somedays I enjoy John Denver and others I blasting Public Enemy and Anthrax "Bring Da Noise" while driving. Last CD I bought was Jack Johnson.


Star Wars trilogy (IV-VI, not I-III) beats Lord of the Rings trilogy anyday. I grew up with Star Wars and love the movies. I also like the Matrix series, it was groundbreaking when it was released and it's deep philosophical undertones still make me think. I like comedies too. Wedding Crashers, 40 Year Old Virgin and Clerks are greats. If you haven't seen "Love Actually" I suggest you go and rent it right away. One of the few movies starring Hugh Grant I like. Keira Knightly and Lucia Moniz don't hurt it either! I am a kung fu junkie. I love old and new kung fu movies.


I try not to watch a lot of TV. I do get hooked on some series occasionally. I enjoy the american version of The Office. It is one of the few comedies that actually makes me laugh hard. I really get hooked on 24 when it is playing. I started watching it during the second season then had to go back to watch the first season. I liked watching Alias when it was on. I cannot forget to mention the funniest show ever...Family Guy. You can't beat the show for its ability to make make fun of everything. Lois has the Rhody accent down pat!


"Colleges being nothing but grooming schools for the middleclass non-identity which usually finds its perfect expression on the outskirts of the campuses in rows of well-to-do houses with lawns and televisions sets in each living room with everybody looking at the same thing and thinking the same thing at the same time while the Japhies of the world go prowling in the wilderness to hear the voice crying in the wilderness, to find the ectasy of the starts, to find the dark mysterious secret of the origin of faceless wonderless crapulous civilization" The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac