My Mommy* My Grandparents* My Toys* My Bed* Playing* Food* Sleeping* Going for Walks* Visiting my Auntie Gina* Going to the Groomer* Playing with my friend Patches* Being Queen* Barking* Making New Friends*
You and anyone who wants to be my friend.. Just let me come to you and get to know you and i will be your best friend forever.. ESP if you give me Treats!!!* ADD ME***
I like techno stuff Esp when mommy plays it loud* sometimes i like heavy hardcore stuff mommy plays to
101 Dalmations* The Adventures of Milo & Otis* Wizard of Oz* My life as a Dog* Spot* Lassie* Benji* any other dog movie* or whatever else gets my attention*
i don't know how to read, so whatever mommie reads to me.. Mostly her school books so i get to learn about why i need certain medical attention