friendship, MUSIC, fall of efrafa, falling in love, good films, comics, invader zim (MEATS OF EVIL), BIKE PUNX, night walks, night drives, reading, politics, passion, saying "UP THE PUNX!1" with constant and unwavering enthusiasm, community-based living, european squats and social centres, tea and the appreciation thereof, moral dilemmas, feminism, beach walks, boy/girl fetishes, roof-climbing, veganism, writing for last hours. Moments of blissful contentment with warm company, feelings, light and sound. Anything that inspires me and that is honest reallytest
An incredible transportation device or machine which would somehow allow me to cross oceans in a heartbeat, or merge mainland europe with australia and remove Brighton as a small island, creating a new nation of "AWESOME-OPIA"
anything good: Icos, Hot Water Music, Ulver, Ekkaia, Madame Germen, Kylesa, Scraps Of Tape, Strike Anywhere, Pulling Teeth, Endstand, Neurosis, Cult Of Luna, Perth Express, Envy, Nick Cave
city of god, terminator 1 and 2, aliens 1 and 2, finding nemo, shaun of the dead, shawshank redemptions...bah, this is boring ..
fucking sucks...Except for Planet Earth, because it's awesome beyond words
Catch 22 and fanzines
Am currently reading 'the party's over' by Richard Heinberg