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The composer Francesco D'Angelo has become famous thanks to new thecnologies and internet.
Early compositions were releasable gratis on VITAMINIC.IT AND VITAMINIC.COM sites.
In one month more of 100.000 people visited his site, 3.000.000 people listned his songs
and for 3 years he arrived tho the firs place in VITAMINIC.IT.
In 2005 the musician opened a record company,MAGICWORLDSTUDIOS, and produced his firstcompact disc called CAFE' DO BRASIL.
For many years he studied music attending AFRICAN masters and till today he continues toimprove his knowledge; his music is an AFRO-BRAZILIAN MIX with percussion instruments.
The musician has travelled a lot in BRAZIL where he met local musicians and SAMBA dancers;his music is not easy recognizable in a music form: more similar is SAMBA-BATUCADA whicharrived in BRAZIL with the AFRICAN slaves and today is played in celebrations and in thefamous CARNIVAL OF RIO.
Ever since his childhood he had passion for music and played everything similar to drums;
today a lot of dancing schools have is compact disc and for this reason he bacame morepopular.
Today popular tradition is vanishing and the composer want to keep it alive through hismusic.
He lives in ITALY, in VITERBO, north of ROME where his record company is situated.
In this town a lot of AFRICAN people from SENEGAL and NIGERIA live.
They are good musicians and artisans;during the april fair,Francesco D'Angelo, bought hisfirst musical instrument, the DJEMBE, which is a single drum constituted from a tree log andone skin goat pulled with strings.
Today Francesco plays very well a lot of musical instruments and for this he is a solistwhich composes his songs by himself with the aid of personal computer.
He followed the advice of a music expert concerning the production that is not to address tolarge record houses but he bought various printing, two personal computer and several cardaudio:this was the birth of MAGICWORLDSTUDIOS.
In the first compact disc the are 15 songs, the result of many years of work and musicpassion:AFRO-BRAZILIAN traditional music played with percussion instruments.
Francesco is always available to give some advice in musical field because one of hismission in life is to help young musicians to emerge.
He wants always to find news music respecting tradition:this is his music.
Regra 4 on SellaBand