HARD AT WORKBook 1, EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER, dates all the way back to June of ‘95. When I was nineteen years old, I began writing every day and night just to release my personal thoughts. Almost like a journal, only written in poetry form. The very first writing I ever did, was “YOU’LL ALWAYS BE MY BEST FRIENDâ€, one of the deepest writings I’ve put on paper to this day. At first, the book was 176 pages long. Then, it was cut in half and to have been issued as two separate volumes. Ten years, and numerous editing processes later, I was finally happy with the end result. So in January 2005, I was ready to introduce the public to, THE WORLD THRU MY EYES.
Book 2, VERTIGO, was issued in July 2005. Dating back to 2000, you saw writings that were better structured, and showed the maturity from pissed off nineteen year old to twenty-four year old man. The writing sessions came from Jack Daniel’s fueled frustration, how dark reality is, and all out honesty. Threw together with some writings left over from book 1, book 2 had more “poetry†to it. I love book 1, but book 2 I took longer on editing and I hand picked all the pages carefully. I was more selective with what I chose from the original notebooks.
LOST SOULS VOLUME ONE OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!