Musician when not at work
Current bands include:
Parasite Hilton
Dismembered Fetus
Harvest the Murdered
Graphic Design
Oil Painting
Pen and Ink
Mixed Media
Digital (Photoshop/Illus.)
1.The dudes who came up with the Messin' With Sasquatch commercials.
2.Wes Benscoter (if your an artist and you don't know who he is, google him now!)
3.My future self, to make sure I'd make a cool old guy.
I listen to everything...seriously
Classic Rock
Black Metal
Punk (old school)
Drum & Bass
Like I said...anything
Me, Myself and Irene, The Exorcist, High Tension (French Original), Hostel, The Audition ("Odishon" Japan), Wedding Crashers, Lost in Translation, Shaun Of The Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wrong Turn, Waiting, Grandma's Boy, Just Friends
History Channel, Discovery Channel
Anything with a good hook. Reading some old Edgar Allen Poe stuff right now.
Leonard Ziraldo, my family and my ancestors for giving me the creative genes that I use to make myself happy on a daily basis.