Many things interest me. Up to and including: peircings, tattoos, music, reading, driving with the music up rediculously loud and pumping inappropriate, but necessary amounts of bass, photography, (even though I'm hopeless at it,) dancing, (especially to house!) shopping, baking, cooking, rugby, flossing
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I seriously love most music, especially if I can dance to it... My "genre" so to speak, would definitely lean towards the classic rock era, but I'm pretty sure I also love techno and non-hard core rap. Although hard-core rap is pretty entertaining when you listen to the lyrics and realise that the guy saying them is serious...
I forget almost every movie I've seen. I do have to say that I love, no, LOVE, the breakfast club.
Well since moving to the land of german speaking television, I've been cut off for the most part. Although when given the chance I will watch the travel chanel for 6 hours straight. That shit is good, I'm not gonna lie
I also forget books I read almost instantaniously... it's really quite depressing... At the moment I totally love John Steinbeck, (thanks Brit!) Read "East of Eden," it's absolutely amazing. I am also a fan of "The Perks of being a Wallflower," but honestly, who isn't?