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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds MyGen Profile GeneratorI'm just an anachronistic girl, trying in vain it seems to hollow out a comfy niche for myself in this century.
I am tribal fusion belly dancer, sartorial sorceress, and japanese culture enthusiast. I love art, I love beauty, so yes, I am quite an aesthete. I am also abit of a dilettante in many facets of this mirror we call reality, and I write with overly dramatic speeches of great self import. I suppose I insist upon myself, but then, whom else but I would be fit for the charge? I can be gothly dramatic one moment, and wearing pink and prancing around like a faery the next. I love all things strawberry, and would kill for a sharpei puppy. I have been on arduous path to self-remembering/awareness since I quite young, and continue now and forever to seek my higher potential self.
Visit My Website
Kimono Striptease Burlesque at Machine Nightclub
Sayomi Sieyes - Burlesque - Machine Boston - 3/29/08
My performance of my Geisha Fusion Tribal Belly Dance piece.
My veil and floorwork performance at Sin-O-Matic

My Interests

Find me creeping around Livejournal at things Japanese related, Geisha Culture, Tribal Fusion belly dance, Elegant Gothic Lolita fashion, Glamourbombing,occultism, experimental tribal fusion belly dance, metaphysics, fetish photography,visual art, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, multi-cultural studies, collaging, journaling, aesthetics, archetypes, holistic health, giggle fits, poetic terrorism, star skin, the ocean, Woods especially with lots of fern, smell of dirt andchalk, not so much glitter as glimmer, sin, yoga, tai chi, pilates, somatic therapies, flowers, strawberry anything! Sharpei puppiesjewelly stuff, frilly lace, babydoll dresses, mary janes, striped stockings,fashion mags, practicing my pouts and smirks, keeping diligent in my sassy skills, designing, creating, fusing, hair falls and extensions

I'd like to meet:

Searching for a girlfriend!!
I would like to meet other girls that want to create things, artistic souls I suppose.
Fashion design get-togethers, tea parties, and girly slumber parties, doing fun photoshoots together. You know, the fun stuff that society rips away from us once we reach our 20's, saying we should begin to become corporate whores ,read vacant Marie Claire and actually care what the corporate world thinks of us. Getting together with friends and watching an anime, fantasy, or perhaps any girly movie for that matter, while playing with artsy crafts, grrly goodness, and drinking tea, (or absenthe if we are feeling frisky, or sake if we are feeling graceful), and collaging, photographing, glamourbombing, going out to gardens to picnic and take pictures, creating performance art, or whatever else we fancy doing, would be dandy as candy.
I am also creating a geisha culture enthusiasts social club, please learn more here:
Click to join flowerandwillow
I am also trying to pull together Metrowest DIY crafters,designers, seamtresses, etc. for local skillshares and such, please do join D-I-Y Design-ettes if you have interest!




my Shukun wrote this captivating poem for my birthday, just pure poetic beauty. Holding me close, a lovers embrace,
acid kisses adorn my body.
Her slow and gentle grasp a holocaust,
cleansing, awash in her void I drift.
My pain floats in rivers of sacrimental wine,
it spills forth from my body, an overturned chalice.
I shatter on the cold hard reality of her touch.
Toxic peels of yesterday drift a downward spiral,
falling from my body, I shed myself anew.
The devils embrace echoes hollow on the shadows of what was,
raw and exposed I gather what I must...
It will never be enough.
I shall shed yet again.
Wither peel and twist into eternity, a gathering
of toxic peels shall I leave in my wake.

I do so enjoy tapping into a very wide array of vibrations. Curiousity, Rasputina, Dresden Dolls, Louisa John-Krol, Emilie Autumn, The Birthday Massacre, Molly Zenobia, Sky Salt Hole, Garbage, Poe, Portishead, Jack off Jill, Jim Morrison, Maryiln Manson, Fallingyou, And One, ,Bjork, Bif Naked, Mazzy Star, NIN, Knossos, Solace, oh this is non-sense the list is simply too long!


I doubt I've still your attention as modern people have the shortest attention spans, but if you must know; Alice in Wonderland, Kamikaze Girls, Fight Club, Memoirs of a Geisha, Natural Born Killers, Jawbreaker, The Princess, Girl Interrupted, The Cell, The Secretary, Freeway 2, TheMatrix, Phantom of the Opera, Queen of the Damned, , Legend, The Last Unicorn, Seven, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, GirlInterrupted, House of 1000 Corpses, Children of Dune, The Mummy Returns,Gingersnaps, The Craft, Dracula, Interview with the Vampire, What the Bleep do weknow?, Little Buddha, Foxfire, But I'm supposed to be a Cheerleader, Mona LisaSmile, Xmen series, Carmen Electra, Beetlejuice, Return of the Blue Lagoon, 5thElement, Pretty in Pink, Flashdance, The Dark Crystal, Dirty Dancing, Hellraiser,Labrynth, Barberella, Neverending Story, The Addams Family, Alice in Wonderland,Tim Burton movies, Johnny Depp movies, 8mm, Romeo and Juliet, The Little Mermaid


whore of the machine...... ok, so i watch the accursed thing sometimes...


hmmm.....what book should i pick now? So many to choose from!! (self proclaimed book whore) 'The Book of Lilith', and also 'Grandmother's Secrets'(bellydancer must read!), and "Geisha"


my Shukun, ever in insightful reverie. He is my guide, teacher, lover, companion, and an inspiring artist.

Check out his other poetry and art at:
She-Ra, Jem, Geishas, Devadasis, Healers, Entertainers, Joseph Cambell, Ken Wilbur, Philosophers, Scientists, mitochondrial Eve, Basho, Morticia Addams, Donna Karan, Duncan Wong

My Blog

Burlesque performance at Machine

It was so fun performing my kimono striptease last night at Machine! I was honored to be sharing the stage with the lovely ladies Domminque Immora, Ruby Roulette, and Jezebel Pussycat. It was great to...
Posted by sayomi on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:51:00 PST

Fetish Flea and Fashion Show!

So it will be our second year going, (me and my Shukun of course!) and this time we actually know people, and I get to be in the fashion show as well! So we are sure to have oodles more deviant f...
Posted by sayomi on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 04:34:00 PST

Performing at Shelter this Saturday!

I am so grateful to Michael for inviting me to belly dance at Shelter this Saturday! I will be doing a veil and floorwork performance piece. I am super excited at the opportunity, and for the excuse t...
Posted by sayomi on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 04:14:00 PST

lovely poem by a raphaelite as none other, Christina Rossetti

Aloof by Christina Rossetti   ..> The irresponsive silence of the land, The irresponsive sounding of the sea,       Speak both one message of one sense to me :- 'Al...
Posted by sayomi on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 03:52:00 PST

Festival of the Lion slideshow

I had a great time at the Festival of the Lion yesterday! Although it was waaay too hot for anything close to comfort. But, we had fun performing, and the girls were amused by the faery costume I made...
Posted by sayomi on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 10:05:00 PST

my latest design Alice in Wonderland Loli-style skirt

Posted by sayomi on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 05:13:00 PST

A lovely picnic day at Wayside Inn

I had so much fun the other day with my Shukun while picnicing at the lovely Wayside Inn. We sat by the water mill, and enjoyed the mist coming from it, and onto our Then there was the pho...
Posted by sayomi on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 06:45:00 PST

I will be performing at Start on the Street!

I am very excited that they chose me as one of the street performers, and I can't wait to share my geisha fusion fan dance with the crowd!  ...
Posted by sayomi on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 04:45:00 PST

My latest kanzashi creations

I am pretty excited, my first collection novelty kanzashi will be sold in Serendipity jewelry, art and whimsy store in Hudson! In case you are coveting something here, I will also be selling kawaii an...
Posted by sayomi on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:41:00 PST

I’ll be doing a fairy-esque tribal belly dance performance at Festival of the Lion

August 25-26th in Grafton, MA. Me and my sisters of Ambika Badiah will be performing at this fun-filled rennfaire, so do come and join us! DETAILS ..> Even now we prepare, to make merry our faire...
Posted by sayomi on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:41:00 PST