Gefahrenfrau profile picture


Imitation is suicide - Emerson

About Me

I am a bright hearted cynic, sounds like an oxymoron, but I make it look good. "How could such a tiny thing have so much negativity in her?" I'm open minded, which usually gets me in arguments with tightass religious people. *Holy Cheeze-it book* I despise when I put a lot of work into a friendship/relationship and don't get the same. Matching socks are so over-rated! I live in my creations, which is a scary thought if you've seen my artwork. On a brighter note, I actually love colors. I'm a pleasant person to be around, just don't creep me out. I HATE THOSE BONDAGE MASK/SUITS! They scare me... I'm Pro-choice, Equality, and Peace. Tofu is yummy! :DMyspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts a

My Interests

My likes and passions are:Angelina Jolie, Audrey Tautou, art, beautiful eyes, being different, blankets, blasting, cake, candles, candy necklaces, care bears, Charlize Theron, colorful hair, cuddling, dancing, designing clothes, Disney movies, drawing, eating, eclipses, fashion, fire flies, fires, Gwen Stefani, hats, ice tea, Jennifer Connelly, kissing, kitties, knee high socks, laughing, lips, moon, movies, muffins, music, naughty toys, painting, peircings, poetry, poking, pop up action, potatoes, push pops, rain, Raven, reading, roses, scaring people, shows, showers, sleeping, snow ball fights, stars, summer nights, sunsets, sweatshirts, taking pictures, tattoos, thunderstorms, tickling, writing, zwibbles...

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet people who aren't assholes…but hey wouldn't everyone? I just want to meet people who share the same interests, and aren't afraid to be themselves. I don't like the stereotypical 'unique' person. Pretty boys and girls make me nervous...


I like all kinds of music. Madonna, George Michael, Disney sound tracks, Ace of Base, Heart, MSI, Diary of Dreams, Combi Christ, Covenent, Fatal Blast Whip, Skinny Puppy, 29 Died, Decoded feedback, Psychaesthetic, Cevin Key, Tear Garden, Haujobb, Type-O-Negative, Snake River Conspiracy, Sheep on Drugs, Evils Toy, Ohgr, Snog, Android Lust, Collide, Mesh, Stabbing Westward, Voltaire, Bjork, Carfax Abbey, Yluko, Peaches, Love Spirals Downward, The Prodigy, and many more artists that are great : )


I love cuddling up to a good movie! Some of my favorites are The Crow, Girl Interrupted, The Nightmare before Christmas, Batman Returns, White Oleander, Gia, Wicked, Enough, The Craft, 8mm, House on Haunted Hill, The Life of David Gayle, A Beautiful Mind, The labyrinth, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Kids, The Game, Memento, The Italian Job, American History X, Edward Scissor Hands, Sleepy Hollow, Pirates of the Caribbean, Adaptation, Dirty Pretty Things, Amelie, The Ugly, Nightstalker, Real Killers, Slashers, Castle Freak, House of 1000 corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Requiem for a Dream, Cube 2, Cube Zero, (the 1st cube sucked!) Terror Toons, Ghoulies, Ghoulies 2, Terror vision, Vampire Journals, Donnie Darko, all of the Reanimator movies, Run Lola Run, Das Experiment, Tank Girl, A Caveman's Valentine and so many more i can't think of all of them...


Animal planet, Discovery channel and sometimes Nick at night :D


I like reading, but don't have much time for it. The Death Artist, The killer's Cousin, Alice in Wonderland, Johnny got his gun, Tuesdays with Morrie, Go ask Alice, Jay's Journal, Lovely Bones, Wicked, Bitch, The camera my mother gave me, Female chauvinist pig. I usally read fiction...just anything that will catch and keep my attention. My newest subjects are Feminism and vaginas! Woohoo! : )

My Blog

Can I help you?

I just got a new job at a book store. Yey for me, it's great! Ok, so I was at work last night and I was shelving books (putting them away). I was in the True Crime section and I had one paper book to ...
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:10:00 PST

Modern day cowboys and Indians?

So I went to the beach today. It was fun. I got burnt. Haha But you'd never guess what I saw today. It was slightly haunting. Two boys, maybe 10 years old were playing a little ways away from my blan...
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:25:00 PST

Humans are horrible creatures

Last week we went to Plymouth randomly; so we went poking around in the gift shops. I felt silly because when I thought about it, we don't need any of this crap. And it really is just that, crap. Litt...
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Fri, 04 May 2007 04:36:00 PST


We Finally got to see SAW III lastnight! It was so good, totally gory but great! It was the first horror movie to make me sick to my stomach! Haha :) It will deff be added to the collection. ...
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:56:00 PST


*Dances* I won first place and $100 last night at Noktural! : ) I shouldn't have though. I cheated this year and bought a costume. So, I feel bad but now I get to buy winter shoes that I desperately n...
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 01:41:00 PST

I think I missed something...

Ok so we went to see Voltaire the other night, in providence. The night started out alright. We got ready and made our way to the bus stop. (dunta nuua... the bus stop... god I didn't know how much I'...
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 01:08:00 PST

Were expecting!

Yes yes! Raven will have a new baby sister in the next few weeks! Silly, Not a human baby but a cute little kittie! ...
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:19:00 PST

Black Sun

Black Sun is a 3 day show were tons of great artist play in New Haven CT. We went last year and it was awesome. They are having another one this year and tickets are $90 a person for all 3 days. As m...
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 03:01:00 PST


woot woot finally filled out everything! after like what...a month or so from having it : ) *yawn* now time to go eat and read some more of my book!
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I've had no time to fill this in and...honestly i'm lazy and dont really want to fill it out : )
Posted by Gefahrenfrau on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST