Greek Tom profile picture

Greek Tom


About Me

Yiasou! My Name is Tom Papadelgianidis. I am from Thessaloniki, Greece. I am wayy cooler than "tom" because I am Greek and all things today originated from Greeks. Take the word kimono, In Greek, it means "winter" and in the winter, you wear robes, so therefore kimono, is a winter robe. I say screw Heineken and Absolut and bring on the Ouzo and the tsipouro!!!! My favorite food has to be Pastitsio, especially my yiayia's! I like to dance, back when i was little, i was apart of my town's Dancing society! I Like to play Tavli and play with my komboloi on my free time. My papou owns the local pizza store and gas station, so go visit him sometime!

My Interests

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