pi?ña?ta - [peen-yah-tuh, pin-yah-; Sp. pee-nyah-tah] –noun, plural(in Mexico and Central America) a gaily decorated crock or papier-mâché figure filled with toys, candy, etc., and suspended from above, esp. during Christmas or birthday festivities, so that children, or inebriated young adults, who are blindfolded, may break it or knock it down with sticks and release the contents.languagelights action costumesold crockery and older books love nursary rhymeslife
Laurie Anderson
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if its so old its practacally antique then it rocks my world ALSO The Cure Jonny Rose John Lennon David Bowie The Buzzcocks Joni Mitchel Sinead O'Conner Blondie The Arctic Monkeys The Sex Pistols Rock'n'roll machine Stevie Wonder Marven Gay The Psycedelic Furs Slave Trader Guns 'n' Roses The Checks Don Julio and the Hispanic Mechanics Grace Jones Laurie Anderson The Yeah Yeah Yeahs Bonny Prince Billy Bic Runga The Stone Roses The Happy Mondays The Pixies Tricky Massive Attack Joy Division Peachy Keen Patty Smith The Doors checks kinks De La Soul bobby dylan Nancy and Lee and ahh ya know Random 80's lovesong hits which I don't know the names of but always start me off on the dance floor
Betty Blue. Some like it hot. Angels in America. Pride and Prejudice (the old version). The Commitments. Spider. Gone with the Wind.
I know it's cliche pop culture etc, but Desperate Housewives is fucking good. and I went to an art exhibition, not so long ago, with this great take on it.. the painting was called 'desperate horse wives' and one of those my little ponies looked sooo uncannily like eva longora!!!
Wuthering Heights. Powell's forth edition of Classical Myth. Good Night Little One. John Lennon: Summer of 1980 (for the sexy pic's). The Oxford Dictionary. The prophet. everything by caryl churchill. Cats eye.Lately Chad Taylor's new novel Departure Lounge.
Laurie Anderson / Dionysus / Joni Mitchel / John Lennon / Caryl Churchill / Anais Nin / David Bowie /William S Burroughs / Mum and Audrey Hepburn. and Dad too.