moving forward. music. reforming SpacechatteR. writing stories and music reviews. taking pictures on chrome film and developing them into slides. looking out windows for long periods of time. self-guided ghost tours. wishing- and then learning to be satisfied with what I have. watching independent films and humming tunes while walking around. casting out darkness. symmetry.
david lynch. tim burton. danny elfman. jeremy enigk. hope sandoval. kevin shields. gary lightbody. david sedaris. augusten burroughs. kevin spacey. parker posey. chloe sevigny. vincent gallo. amon tobin.
spiritualized. trail of dead. dj krush. hope sandoval. reindeer section. mojave 3. firehose. 8 bark. mogwai. massive attack. pinback. colder. royksopp. radiohead. sufjan stevens. black rebel motorcycle club. underworld. jose gonzalez. thievery corp. nightmares on wax. my bloody valentine. fire theft. dj shadow. slowdive. snow patrol. the faint. the cure. fischerspooner. blur. fugazi. dead kennedy's. lush. catpower. swervedriver. amon tobin. low. godspeed, you black emperor. pj harvey. stereolab. yumebitsu. the black heart procession. hot chip. air. belle and sebastian. silversun pickups. jesus and mary chain. sunny day real estate. i love you but i've chosen darkness.
lost in translation. shallow grave. virgin suicides. garden state. lost highway. blue velvet. saint ralph. me and you and everyone we know. little miss sunshine. house of yes. sordid lives. there are lots more if i could think
i have been trying to write my own.
those who can avoid burying their heads in the sand.