I'd like to meet:
Any Athletes, Filmers, Photographers, Reps, Shop Owners or Action Sports Enthusiast that would like to take advantage of Group Health Benefits provided by Blue Cross, Cigna and AFLAC, Traveling Discounts, Group Services, Scholarship Programs ........... Professional Acton Athletes, Photographers & Filmers that would like a chance to empower themselves and take their business to the next level. In the near future we will have interactive data base for Advertising & Marketing Firms, so they can find the true professionals in these fields. They will be able to contact you directly or your agent. A Casting Call Bulletin and Private Blogs between the Sports and the Professionals in the industry, a place to interact and promote your new projects with your fans and a place to express yourself and empower yourselves to make a positive difference in your sports ...............Action Sports Enthusiast that want to make a difference in action sports. People that want opportunities to earn product in our Sports Mall. Have opportunities to interact with Pro’s and learn how to take it to that level if they choose ................................... The Website will be complete in August – Check it out! ....... www.iasa-sports ..... Let us know what you think!!!
Craig Kelly, Doug Coombs, Jeff Anderson, Jamil Kahn & Josh Malay ......All those that have died living the dream......