I'd like to meet:
Nope, they're all dead.
Maybe Elvis Costello to thank him for the music. There's a huge list of people who I want on the matt of philosophy for a discussion of their beliefs. Various other people for purely selfish sexual reasons, and a few for extremely violent ones (odd that last juxtaposition, he says speaking of his own phrasing, in the third-person narrative).
Blues, Rock, Punk, Jazz, Classical, Bluegrass, Folk Music (traditional), NOT (the glam inspired "we are rock but were wearing hats now") country.
Anything by: Hiroshi Teshigahara, Yasujiro Ozu, Kenji Mizoguchi, Akira Kurosawa, Orson Welles, Jean-Paul Renoir, Harold Lloyd, Wim Wenders, Polanski, Greenaway, Ken Russell,...this could take a realy long time.
When people hurt themselves, Myth Busters, Junkyard Wars, News, Weather.
Borges. So many more but he rocks my boat.
Einstein, Mandela, Popper, John Muir, Emerson, Whitman, Foucalt, Bugs Bunny, Road Runner.