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Jeff - The Original BadBoyMensch

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preser

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I've been Phished or Hacked. DAMMIT!!!! I've fixed SOME of this.
NOW, I guess I should write something here, huh?
I'll get RIGHT on it. SOON!
What do you think SO FAR? Let me know.
***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Jeff
Age: 35+
Month of birth: September
Any Siblings?: 1 Younger Brother
Parents still married?: Would have been - Dad passed away
Occupation: Sold my business - Marketing Director
Do you like your job?: Looking! lol
Any pets?: 1 Dog and 2 Horses
Hair color: Thick Brown
Eye color: Dark Brown
Shoe size: 12 1/2
Any Tattoos?: 1 on Right Shoulder
Any Piercings?: Ears
Current mood: Happy
Current wardobe choice: Jeans and a Polo shirt
What are you listening to?: TV - Californication
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: Tammy, My Best Friend
What do you currently smell like?: Me
Movie you watched: A Martin & Lewis comedy
Magazine you looked at: Smart Computing
Thing you ate: Just steamed some broccoli
Book you read: Einstein, by Walter Isaacson
T.v. show you watched: Big Shots
Time you cried: July 6, 2006 - Put my 27 yr old Dressage Mare down.
Took a shower: Tonight - after Karate
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): Tuesday - w Photos!
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): This afternoon - Lunch @ Houstons
CD you bought: Bruce Springsteen's new CD
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: Got an appointment for a haircut TOMORROW!
Your most prized possession: My Father's Show Saddle
Your first vehicle: Little Red Express
Your current vehicle: BMW 540i
Your favorite quote: That which thy Father hath bequeathed to thee, earn it anew if thou hast possesed it - Goethe
You bedtime (on average): 11:30 - 12:30
Your best trait/characteristic: Laid back, but driven
Your worst trait/characteristic: Lazy, but I avoid it like the plague!
Do You....
Store things under your bed: No
Daydream: I have ADD/ADHD, what do YOU think?
Have a computer at home: Yup
Live in the city, suburbs or country: 'burbs
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: House
Own a cell phone: 2 - 1 for business & email, 1 for social & texting
Have a good luck charm: My chai and my mezuzah
Collect anything: Antique fishing tackle, etc.
Attend high school or college: Both
Make good grades: A's in coursework, F's in conduct LOL
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: Multiple times - Sports injuries / mostly arthroscopic
Had teeth pulled?: Wisdoms
Broke the law intentionally: Yup!
Ran away from home?: Nah! I had it too good! LOL
Broke a bone?: a few
Cheated on a test/exam: And got caught the FIRST and last time!
Had a friend pass away: Yup, many now.
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: Many
Been in an auto accident: a few
Lied to someone: Only to save them grief
Been lied to: Yup!
Your Favorite....
Place to be: St. Mary Lake, Montana
Place to visit: St. Mary Lake, Montana
Place to chill: St. Mary Lake, Montana
Non-Alcoholic drink: Cranberry Juice
Alcoholic drink: Talsker Scotch
Type of food: Almost All
Meal/Food dish: Steak
Dessert: Carrot Cake
Shampoo & Conditioner: Crew
Toothpaste: Crest
Salad dressing: Thousand Island - I know, BORING!!
Ice cream: Rocky Road or Hagen Daz Dulce De Leche
Fast food establishment: Is Hooters Fast Food?
Color: Cobalt Blue
Season: Spring
Holiday: Tu B'Shvat LOL
Perfume/Cologne: Beaucheron
Video Game: N/A
T.V. show: Californication or Big Shots
Smells: Puppy Breath, Horse Barn, New Car
Article of clothing: Levi's 50'ss
Book: Whatever I'm reading at the time
Children's Book: Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day - Judith Viorst
Candy: Milky Way Bar, Almond Roca
Car: BMW 650 Convertible
Do You Believe....
In Karma: Hell yeah! And it's a bitch!!
In God: Yup
In Heaven & Hell: I dunno
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): They MUST! But I have no proof.
That ghosts exist: Absolutely! I've seen a few, myself.
In horoscopes: Nah!
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): Everyone has potential
In yourself: DEFINITELY!!! Always have!
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: Not used enough!
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: Needed!
On homosexuals in the military: Don't ask, don't tell!
The war in the Middle East: I used to believe in it, but it's gotten out of hand. Bush lost his focus.
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: I'm NOT from California, I really don't care.
Current gas/fuel prices: Out of control! F*cking OPEC ! ! !
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My Interests

Animals, specifically HORSES and DOGS.

I'm involved in a new equestrian sport: HORSEBALL. Here's a look at it:

It's played with a soccer ball in a 6-handled leather harness.

It's been described as "Rugby on Horseback".Meet the U.S. National Horseball Team:
L to R: Robert, Julien, Jeff, AxelCheck out some Horseball from around the World:

I'd like to meet:

I've always had a thing for Sela Ward!


I'm a Classic Rock kind of guy. That said, I'm also a big fan of Blues, REAL Jazz (NOT Lite Jazz! UGH!!) and , believe it or not, some Country.
I LOVE this Bubble Girl! WEIRD!!!

Click and Drag the Girl through the Bubbles


I LOVE Comedies and Action/Adventure flicks. Just take me away! I'm not into Dramas, there's just too much of that in Real Life. Why spend money to see someone else's idea of it. I'm a huge fan of Independent Films and Documentaries. In fact, I produced a Documentary a few years back. If you're interested, I'll tell you about the experience some time.


I don't watch too much TV. But when I do, I get into it. I admit it, I'm a fan of Desperate Housewives. I watch Boston Legal, The Unit, and reruns of Will & Grace. I HATE Reality TV, but I do watch American Inventor. I am SUCH a fan of innovation. If I'm working, you'll usually find Animal Planet or Discovery on in the background. (It's an ADD/ADHD thing! LOL)


I read VORACIOUSLY! I always have one or two Self-Improvement or Business books going, a Novel to read at bedtime, and endless (it seems) industry magazines and periodicals. And for the record... No cereal box is safe from my eyes! LOL


My Dad was quite a guy! He really knew how to live! He was the consummate entreprenuer and real estate developer. He always had 2 or 3 businesses going. He retired at 50 and made a thriving business out of his hobby -- horses! Thanks for the legacy, Pop! I hope I'm making you proud.Mom! She is the living embodiment of generosity and undying love. She has earned EVERY grey hair she now colors. *wink* Mom, I love you.Ben Franklin is DEFINITELY a hero! What a mind, and what a Libido! Hehehe (Don't let that "Founding Father" facade fool you! Thomas Jeffersoon had NOTHING over ol' Ben!) I live by one of his sayings -- Do well by doing good. This means that I do a lot of volunteer and charity work whenever I can.Anyone who served in the Hagganah, or the Palmach in the development of the State of Israel is a hero! Talk about selfless duty!Actually, anyone who has served his or her country, The United States, is a hero to me. Such service and duty is so rare! HONOR our VETs!!

My Blog

Tagged - What I Want to Accomplish in My Lifetime

I've Been Tagged I have to list 10 things that I want to accomplish in my lifetime. Then I have to pick 10 "Friends" to be tagged and do the same thing. 10 Things that I Want to Accomplish in My Life...
Posted by Jeff - The Original BadBoyMensch on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:15:00 PST

I've Been Tagged

I've never been tagged before. Paula tagged me -- she got my cherry! LOL This is what I have to do:1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the ...
Posted by Jeff - The Original BadBoyMensch on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 03:59:00 PST

The Power of Rescue

I'm looking for a new horse or two. One of the places I'm going to look is Last Chance Ranch, in Quakerstown, PA. Last Chance Ranch rescues and rehabilitates horses. They save them from iminent slaugh...
Posted by Jeff - The Original BadBoyMensch on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 08:02:00 PST