Akeem the Dream profile picture

Akeem the Dream

And You Know This ......MAAANNNN!

About Me

**Check me out on IMDB.com to see when my appearances are!**-------(CLICK SCREEN TO WATCH AKEEM'S CLIPS)------- **And let him know what you think!*Update* Hope you had the chance to see me on grey's, Check out IMDB.com to check out my upcoming appearances. My film is now Coming to video in April this year. Thanks for the support;)I'm a 6'2 Brooklyn Born, California raised Vanilla Black man on a mission! To 2007 and Beyond! This year has been a positive and strong start and I'm excited about the upcoming months. Keep ya head up and watch "the secret if you haven't already" The Reel is done now so check it out ;) My webpage will be up in the next few weeks www.AkeemSmith.com. Hope you like the new Headshots.***Akeem's Goods ; )

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My Interests

Your Deadly Sins
Greed: 80%
Lust: 80%
Pride: 80%
Sloth: 40%
Wrath: 40%
Gluttony: 20%
Envy: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 49%
You will die love and feared by many. And you'll be buried in a tomb. How Sinful Are You?Clubbing, Reading, Working out, MOvies, eating, lots of sleep, lots of eating. you know the drill These will be some of the new pictures, I havent' picked yet, or cleaned them up, but I think they came out pretty good. whadda think?

I'd like to meet:

Hey Everybody, 2008 is here, time to stop bullshitting ;) Hope everyone's on their A game now that the strike is over. Lets take it to new heights this year. booyaaa!

Comment here


You know. Everything. Seriously..well maybe not country.


I'm a big fan of action and thrillers, but I haven't been going much lately. ;(


24...and it's back. Oh yaaa! but this season has been pretty weak thus far. hope it picks up...yaaa it's getting better now.


"Hello, he lied", it's what I'm currenty on, It's an acting book. I'll let you know if I recommend.


Family Guy - Stewies Money

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