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Don't Do To Much MySpace, Currently Buzy Craving Out MySpace.

About Me

.... ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

..First off, my myspace is not about me but more so the things that interest me. Hmmm...what can i say? Well Some recent events in my life has me thinking about the person i am presently and who i wanna be later down the road and "who i wanna c again". R.I.P Ma. As 2pac said, Changes. They call me Brian(Hi) and i cud be your new day...sum call me B, sum know as Smut but i know me as An Individual.I am cool, calm and jus like the jigga man. I am fun to be around once the people around are fun.I love music and the things that interest me. i have a hustla spirit (CEO, i'm out for Presidents to represent me...) (thanks ma and mom) and so i will not whatever i do and wanna accomplish. I like to be different in sum things i do.

My Interests

MUSIC(my GASOLINE!!!, like Lost Boyz said, "music makes me high"), Fashion, Arts/Designs,Photography,Cars, Bikes,Tennis, Basketball,Racing.

I'd like to meet:

I would Like to Meet,Thandie Newton, Zoe Saldana, Rakhee Gandhi & the CEO's that inspire me.


Rap, Hip-Hop, Reggae, R&B, Soul, Gospel, Dancehall, Alternative Soca,Dub. Due to mood i may listen to pop or lil rock & other of April 08, my taste of music is including other genre of music cause, at the end of the day..Its All Bout The MUSIC.


Batman,Girl next door,Notebook,Wicker Park,America Pie(all), Scarface,Risky Business,Pretty Woman, Man on Fire,road trip,euro trip,Pirates of the Caribbean,XXX, love don't cost a thing,Godfathers(whole thing),Crash,Transporter 1,Shrek 3,Pirates 3, Spiderman 3,American Pie-The Naked Mile,Borat,Smokin Aces,The Ninth Gate,The Devil Wears Prada,Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift,Step Up, Basic Instinct 2,Waist Deep,Rest Stop,The Truth About Charlie,Click,The Departed,Apocalypto,Miami Vice,John Tucker Must Die,Children of Men,Deja Vu,The Pursuit of Happiness,300....As of April 08...Run Fat Boy Run..with the beautiful Thandie Newton actin in it.


Fresh Prince, Gillian's Island,Real World, Pimp my Ride, Wild 'n' Out, Cribs, Bewitched,Sex & the City, StreetFury,Fabolous Life of Celeb.. am....., Mtv on a whole and Bet, SOPRANOS,Weeds,Flintstones, SmallVille,Courage the Dog. Entourage(bad show),L-Word,Whips,South Park,CSI, Making the band 3 and Run's House, Ultimate Hustler, Meet the Barkers,True Life,Next,Desperate Housewives(Eva Longoria,Damnn),Taxi Cab Confession,meet the parents,24,everbody hates chris,B Mac,8 & Ocean, Superbikers,Girlfriends,Jamie Foxx show,Shawn & Marlon Show, Huff, Big Love, Family Business, Countdown to Lockdown,Hogan Knows Best,Charmed,Saved,Law & Order/SVU, Car Crash,The OC,Ugly Betty,Flip This House, Pussy Cat Dolls:Search for a Doll, The Game....Recently as of April 08...nuttin really.


1. Life of Martin Luther King Jr. 2. The Magic of Thinking Big 3. ALT, Andre Leon Talley 4. Cannabis-Jonathon Green 5. Turning The Mind Into An Ally-Sakyong Mipham


GOD,My Mother, My Grandparents, the artist that bought us..."Can I Live" in 96 & all the people in world making a difference for a better TOMORROW....YES WE CAN...