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The Majority Rules

"Enjoy our Heads"

About Me

Contact Tables

The Majority Rules was created with much to do about nothing. Jiggle Monster and Ears knew each other since they were prepubescent little lads and played in a few bands together until they realized that they didn’t need all those other instrumentalists to write their smoothed out, funk-laden tunes that are chock full of pleasure. Having combined live instruments, fuzzy synthesizers, and booty shaking beats, their songs ooze with the same satisfaction that comes from eating a warm apple pie on a cool summer evening. Working together in their home studio almost every day, there is absolutely no shortage of funky jams, and they are ready to liberate the world with them. They will continue on to wonderful new sounds and adventures… join them. Keep dancing.

View the complete The Majority Rules tour scheduleYour music makes me...
Some fan artwork courtesy of Ado Mojo Artwork Thanks guy!

My Interests


Member Since: 9/2/2008
Band Members: Jiggle Monster and Ears
Influences: Life

Sounds Like: A sunny day.
Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Chia Pet or Flowbee?

In case you are too young or you don't remember what the Flowbee was, as seen in Wayne's World, it was a crazy, kinky, naughty, vacuum-like contraption for your noggin. As it cut your hair it vacuumed...
Posted by The Majority Rules on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 08:06:00 PST

Vote or Die?

We can't tell you who you should vote for, you need to get the facts (preferably not from FOX news) and figure it out for yourself. But by all means, get the hell out there and vote because it's your ...
Posted by The Majority Rules on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:18:00 PST

God or Sex?

I would like to share this message that we recently received from a listener:"who r u and why dos you thing have sexul ting on it if you rape people i will dealt you"wow, thanks for listening! and app...
Posted by The Majority Rules on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:38:00 PST

Bert or Ernie??

Everyone remembers them, they were one of the most iconic couples of our generation. Were they roommates? brothers? lovers?? Nobody but Big Bird knows for sure. But now's you're chance to pick a favor...
Posted by The Majority Rules on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 04:26:00 PST

Cavemen or Robots?

The question I pose to all of you is, would you rather go to a party with a caveman or a robot? Think about it, either one of them can either be the life of the party or totally trash it, who knows? I...
Posted by The Majority Rules on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 01:06:00 PST

Gary Coleman or The Hoff?

Here it is folks, the showdown of the century. David Hasselhoff vs. Gary Coleman! Who would you rather be best friends with? and I mean the BEST of friends, sharing lollipops and band-aids and bubble-...
Posted by The Majority Rules on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 11:18:00 PST

Beards or Mustaches?

Which facial hair do you prefer? Or do you like BOTH??? You must be crazy! In case you are confused about which is which, wikipedia clears it all up for you here (for beards) and here (for the classic...
Posted by The Majority Rules on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:34:00 PST