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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

got a question? ask it.

My Interests

Movies, Music, Books, whoa, hey would you look at that... i like movies music and books. i bet none of you like that shit. oh, and drinking.

I'd like to meet:

if i can put up with your bullshit, you're in.


Dj Shadow, Murder By Death, Tremendous Fucking, The Nicotones, Against Me!, UNKLE, Queens of The Stoneage, Electric Six, Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Prince Paul, Cut Chemist, j5, Quannum Collective, Madvillain, Vast Aire, Del, Dan The Automator, Eagles of Death Metal, Lyrics Born, Nu-Mark, D.F.A. 1979, M.I.A., Snoop, Beck, Bjork, portishead, radiohead, Bowie, the clash, Nas, Jay-z, Aesop Rock, Sage Francis, Gorillaz, Lady Sovereign, dangerdoom, the firebird band, william elliot whitmore, channels, the life and times, shellac, shiner, failure, rev run... um um um um umm......


Too many man. film student and whatnot, makes it rough to make a list.... the Manchurian Candidate, Elevator to The Gallows, Amelie, anything by Kubrick, Tarantino, Bros. Quay, Brakhage, Cunningham, Woody Allen, Dali, Truffaut, Vertov.... ummm... Romeo is Bleeding, The FIfth Element, Hannibal (can ya tell i like Gary Oldman yet? maybe this'll help...) The Professional, Dracula... Tank Girl, Dusk til Dawn, Kill Bill, Wonder Boys, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, the Qatsi Trilogy, High Fidelity, Better off Dead, Say Anything, Laurel Canyon, 28 Days Later, Metropolis (original and anime remake), Blade Runner, PCU, The Blues Brothers, Scratch, True Romance... um um um... Batman, Beetlejuice, Alien 3, The Game, Se7en, Memento.... Breathless (the epitome of material for film studies) The Godfathers, CQ, Hamlet (2000), Hamlet (kenneth branaugh's), Looking FOr Richard, Richard III, Barfly, lots more.


The reality shows where the bitchy people cry for no reason... CSI, Rome, Entourage, Six Feet Under, Sopranos.... fuck i watch too much tv.


do beer labels count? no? damn. Infinite Jest, Mother Night, Shakespeare, My Cousin My Gastroenterologist, Et Tu Babe?, Happiness, The Broom of the system, the girl with curious hair, oblivion, 1984, catch-22, zen and the art, the teachings of don juan, the screwtape letters, the satanic verses, oblivion, there are more, i'm sure...


Batman and Green Lantern. screw reality.

My Blog

it's a gray day. HA! get it?! i'm so damn funny!

it's raining and shitty outside, so for lack of anything else to do besides look for youtube clips from the vma's, here come some bloggishness. anyone have any tips for skirting your student loan...
Posted by grayblue on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 02:18:00 PST

to everyone in bloomington

hey guys -to everyone - things are going well. my cover of CMJ (the photoshoot with MUSE came out this week)... work is going swimmingly... for the first time ever, i have a job where i'm happy to get...
Posted by grayblue on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 01:26:00 PST


hey there everyone on the world wide interweb.... so, it's been a while since the going away party. the gash and stitches have healed quite well, thank you all for your concern. i prefer to not think ...
Posted by grayblue on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:28:00 PST

on the topic of leaving.

i'm at the point now ( less than three days) where everyone is asking my how excited i am, or how nervouse i am (or, subconciously how worried i am).... but i find that none of these are the case. i'm...
Posted by grayblue on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 01:20:00 PST

you got tagged, BITCH!

Okay, here are the rules, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. Then you need to pick 6 other people to tag and list their names. You need to leav...
Posted by grayblue on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 10:18:00 PST

two ways to think about something...

on the topic of love - most of us have fallen for someone. and typically, when we "fall for someone" it never works out, for whatever reason. so i've decided to take a look at the actual language of ...
Posted by grayblue on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i've been all productive today and shit. be proud of me dammit!!!!   -gb-
Posted by grayblue on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


ever just feel like you need to drink alone? -gb-
Posted by grayblue on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

guess what. bored again...

yeah, so, life - she goes on. just not all that excitingly. time for me to start thinking about my future. unfortunately, not the easiest thing to do, y'know? worrying about debt, jobs or grad sc...
Posted by grayblue on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

and i'm reduced to the infamous "blog"

why? cuz i'm fuckin' bored! that's why! i gotta get outta this rut i'm in. who wants to help? -gb-
Posted by grayblue on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST