Comic courtesy of Adam Bjornsen.
Many, but my details are unimportant. I am here to draw attention to the message, not the messenger.
Please click here for a view of what it is like to grow up in scientology.
The video below is a clip from a South Park episode that has been removed from the airways due to the actions of Tom Cruise acting on behalf of his cult. Mr. Cruise refused to promote his movie so long as the following information was aired on Comedy Central. Fortunately, Trey Parker and Matt Stone advocate spreading their materials about and this video is here for your perusal. Click on the video below to see the core belief of scientology animated. Remember that scientologists invest years and tens of thousands of dollars to learn this "great secret."
I would love to meet several critics of scientology that I have come to know online, as well as flesh and blood scientologists. I would also welcome a chance to question their affiliation with this nefarious organization. I have had precious few such opportunities and one of them is shown in my avatar/pictures.
Many performers from many genres. Some of my favorites are the Pretenders, Bon Jovi, Queen and David Bowie. This is but the tip of the iceberg and my tastes are vast.
The video below is entitled "Message from Xenu" and is quite humorous.
Get this video and more at
The following is a video from my favorite music group, The Pretenders, and the song is entitled "I'll stand by you." It is a wonderful song about unconditional love and one of my all time favorites. Chrissie Hynde, the leader of the band, has a lot of songs about standing tall for one's convictions and they have a way of capturing me.
The following is Bon Jovi's "Blaze Of Glory" and is also one of my favorite songs. I celebrate his entire portfolio and the fact that this is the song that I chose is purely arbitrary. I am a huge fan of Bon Jovi and the way his songs represent standing for one's convictions.
Mostly science fiction and fantasy. Blade Runner, Willow, Logan's Run, Legend, Soylent Green, Ladyhawke and other similar films are some of my favorites. The little gem below is pretty good too. While I do not agree that all scientologists are morons, as I know many former scientologists who are very intelligent people, there are still a good deal of good information presented in this humourous video.
24, The Shield, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, South Park, Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU, Smallville, Monk, Family Guy, American Dad and, most of all, Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
The following is a series of clips involving my favorite ATHF character, Master Shake. It has nothing to do with scientology, but I provide it nevertheless for your viewing pleasure.
Many, too many to list. Perhaps I'll touch on this someday. For now, I suggest the following links for excellent critical information of scientology.
The first is It is the second to the top of the google search engine on the word "scientology."
The following is the site created by, perhaps the most famous ex-scientologist as well as critic/activist against scientology in the world today, Arnie Lerma. Arnie is a wealth of information and frequently communicates with the media concerning scientology.
The following is the page of Tom Padgett, who was subject to a lot of harassment known as "Fair Game" for daring to leave scientology as his wife remained in.
The following is the account of a 30 year veteran of scientology who has been out for 5 years. She was once an OSA volunteer and personally witnessed numerous accounts where the cult tried to censor its critics.
The following is a new site set up by ex-member Creed Pearson. Creed was in the cult for 27 years, having only left last year. He is currently disconnected from his family for habing left scientology.
The following is the site of New Zealander Glen Stollery. Glen is currently fighting a $100,000 dollar lawsuit out of his pocket for his domain name. His website went from about a hundred hits a day, to 10 million in 6 weeks, when news of the suit broke.
The following is the site of Paul Horner. Paul has first hand experience with Fair Game and has faced considerable harassment online and IRL. He is available for contact here on myspace. He is found under my friends list as "I'm Pretty Much The Hottest Guy I Know"
The following is the site of Michael (unsure of last name) and is a recent development. Michael is new to the critic/activist scene, but has been very productive in webbing and distributing many documents of scientology and their attempts to censor their critics.
Great thinkers and activists of all kinds. Voltaire, Newton, Martin Luther King, Bruce Lee and Sun Tsu. These are but a few that come to mind at the moment.
If you have scrolled down this far, you deserve to see this amusing image a friend of mine made.