Holy shit its happening...
After about 3 years of living in different cities, we're all back in good ol' Brum and ready(ish) to start gigging like maniacs in an attempt to get our beloved city back into live music again. Hopefully spending more than 6 hours a month together will yield some results!
We've just finished recording 2 spanking new songs and re-recording Snobs so check them out on here! We know what you scamps are like with ripping the songs of myspace so to save you all that trouble for what will only be poor versions of the songs, if you message us on here or ring one of us then we'll send you the real deal for free over email! Can't argue with that!
We're all really excited at finally being able to give this band craic a solid slog. It's been far too long and we really can't wait, so hopefully you'll be seeing our faces around and about a lot more in the months to come. Yeah, the bass guitar is a bit heavy on some of the tracks (I've just put a newer version of Fairer Eyes which should be a little better) and Rhythm & Booze, Take Your Best Shot and The Forest still need re-doing, but we're poor and no-one is paying us to record and bar work doesn't pay too well, so it may have to wait for a bit!
Hugs and Kisses!
Here's some nice things someone said about us!
'Groin thrustingly good'
'The energy's there, the tunes are there, the technical ability is there. They know what they need to do; go get 'em boys!!'
Read the full review here: