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Saygideger müzik elestirmenleri, nem’in insan psikolojisine ve kesfedilmemis duygulara ulastigini ve Türk sanatcilar arasinda bir ilk olmasi acisindan takdir edilmesi ve imrenilmesi gereken bir tarz ve ses oldugunu soyluyorlar. 2005’de EMI Müzik Türkiye ile anlasma imzalayan nem, 2006 yilinda ilk albumleri Guneste Yalniz’i yayinladi. Guneste Yalniz albumunde yer alan birkac parca 25’ten fazla ülkeye dagitilan derleme albümlerde yer aldi.
nem’in ilk albümünün kayitlari Marsandiz Stüdyolari’nda gerceklesti. Güneste Yalniz’in son halini almasindan onceki yil Ankara’da demo kayitlari yapildi. Hakan Kursun’un Executive Prodüktor oldugu 12 parcalik albümün mastering’i Evren Goknar tarafindan Los Angeles Capitol Stüdyolari’nda yapildi.
nem'in ilk klibi Yarim Kalan Hayaller Yasindayiz Gürcan Keltek tarafindan ikinci video klibi ise daha çok fotograf çalismalariyla taninan Ismail Necmi Aydogan tarafindan Nükleer Kis adli parçaya çekildi. nem'in son videosu Kirilana Dek Büküldüm Sedef Bayburtluoglu tarafindan çekildi.
Mahir Günsiray öncülügünde A.K.M.’de düzenlenen Lorca Divanin'da Federico Garcia Lorca’nin ‘Yas Çanlari’ (Clamor)adli siirini yorumlayan nem bu kez de büyük bir Lorca hayrani olan yazar, sair ve müzisyen Leonard Cohen’in Iyi Tarafim adli siirini I.K.S.V.'nin düzenledigi Cohen ve ben gecesinde yorumladi.

Compilation Albumler

The Greatest Songs Ever: Turkey| buy
Grubun Nükleer Kis ve Yarim Kalan HayallerYasindayiz adli parçalari Petrol Recordstarafindan hazirlanan ve farkli sentezleri birarada toplayan The Greatest Songs Ever: Turkeyadli compilation cd’de yer aldi. Albüm Hollanda, Danimarka, Arabistan,Hirvatistan, Litvanya, Isveç, Isviçre, GüneyAfrika, Hong Kong, Italya, Portekiz, Ispanya,Yeni Zelanda, Türkiye, Hindistan, Slovenya,Avusturya, Rusya, Sirbistan, Yunanistan,Ingiltere, Japonya, Almanya, Avusturalya, veFransa’nin da yer aldigi 25 ayri ülkedeyayinlandi.

From Constantinople to Istanbul: A Journey in the Heart of Europe| buy
Sonrasin da nem, EMI Music France'nin editörlügünü yaptigi From Constantinople to Istanbul: A Journey in the Heart of Europe adli compilation cd de Güneste Yalniz adli parçasiyla yer aldi. Album Kanada, Lübnan, Arabistan, Sirbistan, Avusturya, ve Rusya da yayinlandi.

The Official Site of nem
nem reach into the human psychology and into untapped emotions with a style and sound that distinguished music critics say should be admired and emulated, as it is a first for Turkish artists. nem signed with EMI Music Turkey in 2005, and in January of 2006 released their debut album Guneste Yalniz. Several tracks from Guneste Yalniz have been included in compilations that have been distributed in over 25 countries.
The recording of the album took place in Marsandiz Studios in Istanbul, Turkey, and in 2004, before the final release of the album, demo recordings were made in Ankara, Turkey. Hakan Kursun served as the Executive Producer, and the mastering of the 12 track album took place in Los Angeles's Capitol Studios, and was performed by Evren Göknar.
nem's premier video Yarim Kalan HayallerYasindayiz was produced by Gürcan Keltek.The most recent video, Nukleer Kis,, a song about the aftermath of the mistakes that humanity makes in destroying the world and itself, was produced by the well-known photographer, Ismail NecmiAydogan. The latest video, Kirilana Dek Büküldüm, was produced by Sedef Bayburtluoglu.
nem has composed music to the poetry of several distinguished poets and musicians. They delivered Federico Garcia Lorca's well known poemClamor in a performance entitled Lorca Divani at the Ataturk Culture Center(A.K.M.) under the supervision of Mahir Gunsiray.
Other artists joined nem in a special night put together by I.K.S.V. that was contributed to the much admired writer, musician, and poet Leonard Cohen, entitled Cohen and I, where nem had the honor to compose music to one of Cohen's poems, My Good Side.
Compilation Albums
The Greatest Songs Ever: Turkey| buy
Two tracks from the debut album, Nukleer Kis and Yarim Kalan Hayaller Yasindayiz are included in a compilation that was put together by Petrol Records entitled, The Greatest Songs Ever: Turkey. The purpose of the compilation is to display the culture and music of a country through the artists that Petrol Records feel express that country best. The compilation is distributed throughout the following countries: Holland, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa, Hong Kong, Italy, Portugal, Spain, New Zealand, Turkey, India, Slovenia, Austria, Russia, Serbia, Greece, England, Japan, Germany, Australia, and France.
From Constantinople to Istanbul: A Journey in the Heart of Europe| buy
EMI Music France has introduced the compilation entitled From Constantinople to Istanbul: A Journey in the Heart of Europe. nem's Guneste Yalniz is included in this double disc "chill out compilation electro" that's described as being a trip "back to the future," with modern sounds and a journey to space in time. This album can be found online, and is available in Canada, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Serbia, and Austria.
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Member Since: 5/31/2006
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Gordium Organizasyon
tel: +90 216 391 3017
gsm:+90 541 391 3017
Emil Selim Bayindir
Type of Label: Major

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MTVde nemden Son Haberler

  MTV'nin resmi sitesinde nem'in son albumu K R i S T A L i Z E' nin    hazirliklari ile ilgili haberleri alabilir, yorumlarinizi birakabilirsiniz:  MTV'de nem'den ...
Posted by nem on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:08:00 PST


NEM'DEN YENI VIDEO 'KIRILANA DEK BÜKÜLDÜM' Farkli tarzlari ile son dönemin dikkat çekmeyi basaran gruplarindan ''nem'' yepyeni bir video ile sevenleriyle bulusmaya hazirlaniyor..Albümün dikkat çeken ...
Posted by nem on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 09:43:00 PST

nem | Interview

..> ..> Reporters: ESER ARI/ AHMET TUNA From: Akademi Bulteni   Nem was formed in 2003. Could you tell us a little about the yesterdays and todays regarding your group? After nem was form...
Posted by nem on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 03:01:00 PST

nem | Roportaj

..>..> ..> Röportaji Yapanlar: ESER ARI/ AHMET TUNA Akademi Bulteni"Nem" grubu 2003 yilinda kuruldu. Bize biraz grubun dününü bugününü anlatir misiniz?Nem kurulduktan sonra 2003 ve 2005 i süre...
Posted by nem on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:37:00 PST