I like singing, dancing, fashion designing, computer graphics, web designing, drawing, writing (lyrics, poems, short stories and screen plays), producing/composing music
My favorite piano players! Scott Joplin, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Elton John, Little Richard, Billy Joel, Jerry Lee Lewis, Norah Jones, John Legend, Vanessa Carlton, Alicia Keys but most of all Mozart! The man is a genius!
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I love jazz, country, hip-hop, rock, pop, techno, rap, blues, classical, r&b and etc.
I love action, comedy, adventure and scary movies! I don't do chick filks unless it's the "Notebook"
I'm a big kid so I atch stuff off the Disney Channal, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. However, I do like Queer As Folk, The L Word, Dexter, Weed, Sapranos (duh!), Entourage, The Tudors, Girlfriends, Bernie Mac, Everyone Hates Chris, and etc. Bassically, if I'm not watching kids stuff I'm either watching a funny or drama shows.
There's alot! To Kill A Mocking Bird, Dear God it's Me Magrete, The Notebook, The Princess Diaries Books, The Pigman, Midnight Summer's Dream, Edgar Allan Poe's poems and etc.
I love Wonderwoman, Catwoman, Bettyboop, Poison Ivy Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls, any ladies dat kicks ass and of course my mommy