I'm Curious. I want to meet and learn a little of everyone.
House music, Spanish Rock, "American" Rock, European Rock, Jazz, European electronic, Love Samba, Salsa, merengue, Mexicana regional
Get this video and more at MySpace.com , Latin pop, well most of all Latin Music, Country Music, one of my favorites if Garth Brooks, and ummmm just about everything.
I LOVE HAPPY FEET! I totally recommend it! Go! What are u waiting for?
I hate to say it, I am not a huge Book reading fan, but once I find a good book I stick to it. Usually ends up being a Chic book or something to do with a Fashion something's biography. I just hate reading the ending, the story that had captivated me ends. But the book that has captivated me enough to read twice and loved to see at the movie theatre. Everyone who knows me knows I love to go watch movies.....
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My Mother is an ultimate Hero of mine, always to the rescue with words, a hug, everything else too and she is an incredible fighter, a surviver, and her motherly instinct makes her a Lover too. And My Father is my ultimate Hero. He was my hero whenever I'd get in trouble when I was little, when I'd get in trouble when I was older, and even now that he has passed away he still saves the day with the advice he used to give me. Other heroes are althletes being minor of major leagues..but its people who have passion and dedication. A sport isn't about fighting or doing something out of anger or revenge it's all about heart and putting your soul into it. Watch this TITO TRINADAD fight and you'll see what I mean.
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