She's a dainty girl.
So cliche.
In love with love.
Storybook situations.
I think things are beautiful.
Holding hands.
Cheesy songs are my forte.
Dos Equis.
Drunk dials.
Blurred nights.
I really hate scene sluts and fatshittalkingcunts.
Crush or be crushed.
I love you when I'm drunk.
I'm into pop and spite.
I live life by song lyrics.
I hate kids.
Boys equal broken ♥s.
But it's ok.
I have 3 hearts tattooed on me.
Drinks with kick.
I make fun of bad tattoos.
30+ get a life.
I can tell by your shoes if we'll get along.
I make plans to break plans.
Respect your elders.
I Hatehatehate drugs and other girls.
"Just so you know..."
Flattery by mockery.
Music snob.
I DON'T like Hello Kitty...get over it.
I'm saving myself for Jesus.
I'm waiting for my life to start...
AIM - Dottedwheartsx
ElJay - _____fate
Oh yea...message me before adding, please. It's just polite.