bunbury... profile picture


I never lie. I willfully engage in a campaign of misinformation.-Fox Mulder

About Me

My Beliefs...
...I believe I have the right of way whether im driving or a pedestrian
...I dont believe in men riding midget bikes
...I believe people should donate money to me, the cause being well because i want it
...I believe im completely awesome
...i believe everyone who knows me thinks likewise
...I believe i am a genius in many ways than one
...I believe im smarter than everyone
...I believe im the nicest person you know and my friends and family will concur
...I believe i should be famous whether i have talent or not
...I believe men should be men not sissys aka YOU WORK im fine with cleaning, staying home, and spending your hard earned money
...I dont believe in beer
...I dont believe in emo kids
...I dont believe in turntables
...Sometimes i dont believe in walking
...I believe i was meant to be a jedi
...I dont believe in ugly people
...I dont believe in dust
...I dont believe in bad music (i.e. maroon 5, 311, well alternative queer *bands*)
...I believe in excessive amounts of classical music
...I dont believe in the baroque period
...I dont believe in tv minus the style network
...I believe in soundtracks
...I believe in watching movies excessively to help forget about how much your life sucks
...I believe in belle
...I believe I was born for fame and fortune
...I dont believe in popcorn
...I believe ICP is the biggest group of idiots known to man
...I believe in aliens and a government conspiracy
...I believe in ghosts because ive seen them
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My Interests

I like tattoos...i LOVE getting tattoos...i hate trends and girls from california...they have their own accent...i call it the accent of dumb...i like dancing around my room to classical music...i want a job...ellhaahh ooh ah ooh...i like school...because i have awesome classes :]...i like lookng in mirrors and being better than everyone...

I'd like to meet:

God...people...and basically id want to meet myself if i wasnt me already...i like to people watch and try and understand what people are thinking...which is not alot most of the time...and try and understand why people do what they do...so id like to meet anyone and every type of person that demontrates stupid human traits...so yeah pretty much everyone...which complicates things because i pretty much hate people...huh...


classical-BEETHOVEN, Rachmaninov, Chopin, Mozart, Tschaikovsky, Brahms, Dvorak, Wagner, Bach, that list goes on and on of course theres not alot of Baroque composers in it...heck, Bach is lucky to be in it, rock...wow too many to name, oldies and classic rock,Atreyu, Fall Out Boy, Avenged Sevenfold, ya know all the good emo stuff... the BEATLES!, Elvis, Steppenwolf, ACDC, Led Zepplin, and stuff..., Howard Shore, John Williams, Rodgers and Hammerstein...Dead Poetic, Spoken, Reliant K, Blindside, Demonhunter, Lydia, MXPX, the Who, the Rolling Stones, Dierks Bentley, Big and Rich, Styx, and a SMALL amount of various country songs...and irish music...and riverdance...and stuff


"Lost a planet, Master Obi Wan has! How embarrasing, how embarrasing!"-Yoda
Why does my heart cry...Feelings I cant hide
You're free to leave me but just dont decieve me
and please believe me when I say
I love you...
Oooo movies...i love movies! one of my favorite movies of all time is Beauty and the Beast!!, and pretty much all the animated Disney movies...Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Dumb and Dumber! Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong, Stay, Roll Bounce, Running Scared, Tristan and Isolde, Memoirs of a Geisha, Chicken Little, Any Johnny Depp movie lol, Phantom of the Opera(the old one and the new one! lon chaney!!!), The Count Of Monte Cristo, Sound of Music, Moulin Rouge, Indiana Jones, Napoleon Dynamite, Back to the Future, the Godfather... stuff like that...Donnie Darko and Tombstone! and uh...other stuff...of course ill watch anything...
You are Belle from Beauty and the Beast!
What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


well...i like xfiles...and reba lol...and i like the style network...and the scifi channel...and if i were on tv id watch me ;]


Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, In Cold Blood, The Phantom of the Opera, War of the Worlds, Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Number The Stars, The True Story of Pocahontas, lol The X-Files series, Persuasion, most Lois Duncan novels, most Joan Lowery Nixon novels, Ghost Stories of California hehe, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNEST!!!!!!, Jane Eyre, My Antonia, And many, many...many more.


Beethoven and Belle and EDGAR ALLAN POE (i wouldve married the bastard had he not died hehe...so sad) MARY KATE AND ASHLEY the ultimate beauties

My Blog

i just spilled cereal on the desk :/...

so anyway i have a midterm today...not just any midterm...a voice midterm :/ so yeah i have to sing etc...and on saturday i got to see joshua bell...it made me smile...he...was...AWESOME>..[pseofa;lkl...
Posted by bunbury... on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:07:00 PST

I ? Donald Trump...

right so the other day i was watching tv...and they showed this clip of the trumptser talking about rosie o donnel(er however its spelled) and it made me laugh...he was calling her a failure...i quite...
Posted by bunbury... on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 02:25:00 PST


So im sitting here right...and im chewing on my sweater hood drawstring thingies...and i like start gaging and i had only had like [ ] < that much of it in my mouth...and im like whoa how am i even...
Posted by bunbury... on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 05:43:00 PST

MJHBFV,KJZbfkjlSEBDF<JKNBSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. .

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH...like wtf honestly having the dream was bad enough but then to actually happen>@Q@#!?? OF ALL PEOPLE AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY and omg how DAre she even say something...well at lea...
Posted by bunbury... on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 01:47:00 PST


gah im so angry...but man do i love my 2 face people...i mean cmon they know we talk totally all but still they say to them...pfft and whatreason would i have to do that when its sooo much drama-er......
Posted by bunbury... on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 01:45:00 PST

Marie Antionette...

Soooooooooooooooooooo...im pret-ty sure that marie antionette could possibly qualify as the gayest dullest movie of the century...like the first HOUR of the movie the only thing thats said is someth...
Posted by bunbury... on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 11:17:00 PST

hello slash(/) eek!...

hello...eek...so yeah im going to vegas next week im so excited! and my darling amanda has made the accusation that her cousins are hot...so i will definately have to investigate this...very thourough...
Posted by bunbury... on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 10:15:00 PST


sigh...so i just wanted to temporarily subdue my boredom...by writting a blog about not much...well anyway i hate when people are hateworthy...like...saying things...and not acting like they meant it....
Posted by bunbury... on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:41:00 PST

What life has done to me...

Posted by bunbury... on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 12:32:00 PST


YAY FINALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO BE HAPPY ABOUT!! were finally movie out of ghettoville tucson up to the east side! to a quaint little house...where i get my own room! and an awesome backyard!...AND WHI...
Posted by bunbury... on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:19:00 PST