Well......Where to start. My real name is Jason, but most call me Kani, aka Kanizzle, aka K dash Holla....and its Kani not connie...... I'm 1/3 of the drunken Conductors. Iam a DJ and a die hard hip hop head. More than likely I have more shoes than you do. I hate spiders, bad odors (ie. b.o.), and farts. I can eat candy all the time, which is way I brush my teeth 3 or more times a day. I'm not here to meet any girls, but some fun times will not be turned down.....wait FUCK THAT!!!!! Lets Get it on! I'm very sarcastic. If you can't get along with me u have a problem! So fuck off! The End
You Are Samuel Adams
You're fairly easy to please when it comes to beer - as long as it's not too cheap.
You tend to change favorite beers frequently, and you're the type most likely to take a "beers of the world" tour.
When you get drunk, you're fearless. You lose all your inhibitions.
You're just as likely to party with a group of strangers as you are to wake up in a very foreign place.
What's Your Beer Personality?
What Famous Leader Are You?
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