0% interest for the first two weeks, then i'm coming round with the bailiffs and repossessing your nana's dialysis machine.
I'd like to meet my own lungs, spleen, stomach. I want to hear their side of the story. I suspect, however their attention is largely taken up by tiresome micropolitics about who deserves the most assistance from white blood cells, and after a short stint of conversation I will begin to to wonder about how I could possibly disassociate myself from them and still breathe, eat, digest.
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Micheal Ball.
Metropolis, Paths of Glory, La Haine, Touch of Evil, Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Most Melies films, Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless mind, Taxi Driver, Psycho, Blade Runner, Under Siege 2, Showgirls, anything with Julia Roberts, especially the one where someone craps in her mouth and holds her mouth closed till she swallows it in the end. i can't remember its name, i fell asleep halfway through.
Outer limits, Twilight Zone, Eery Indiana. When I feel like a good scare I watch L'Oreal adverts.
The dictionary is the only book I read. All other books are cheap imitations with the words rearranged so they don't get sued, and words missing.
The Nicholas brothers. Watch and be happy. http://www.offjazz.com/tap-stars.htm