Looking Good and Feeling Great! Dancing, Music, Conversation, Movies, Plays and walks in the park. I'm a romantic so anything romantic will make my eyes sparkle.
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As a native New Yorker, I love to meet people of all walks of life and love socializing.
My favorite artists are:
Janet Jackson
Donell Jones
Boney James
Lonnie Easter
Kim Waters
Mike Phillips
Kenny G
Atlantic Star
and my favorit artist is no other than the late, but great BIGGIE SMALLS.
Alien #1 and Matrix #1"
Anything to do with decorating and organizing. I'm not a big television person; I really don't have time for TV.
The Power of Focus and the The Power of Focus for Women by Fran Hewitt and Let Hewitt. Suze Orman's Ask Suze collection. Magazines: Forbes, Times, Entrepreneur and more.
My Brother