Descendant Nation is dedicated to uniting the world wide Descendant tribe.
Providence, Peace, Promise...
In a modern world controlled by greed, lust, ignorance, and self-fulfillment, the Descendant Clothing Company seeks to promote life that is extreme... Extreme in love, purity, integrity, and self-sacrifice. While Descendant has a passion for music, art, sport, fashion, and the vast sea of humanity who is adorned with such cultural yearnings, Descendant always seeks to promote a clean, respectable, and peaceful lifestyle within a fallen world. ...A lifestyle that exemplifies the divine character within us all. Most importantly, Descendant will never cease to give glory to the Author of all creation- the One who planted such gifts within the human spirit... Descendant seeks to serve, not to be served.
Providence: Blessings from above
Peace: Eternally secure in the hands of Providence
Promise: Providence and Peace assured.
Request Descendant Clothing at your local surf or skate shop today...!
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~JC Underground Productions~
"Global Warning" - Previews
Supported and sponsored by Descendant International
Full Length Film Coming... 2008
Pre-order to reserve your copy today!!!
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