GHOST GIRL profile picture


Because nice matters

About Me

I'm married and have one child. I am writing a book about things that happened in my life. I am a massage therapist, an energy worker(Reiki), and I am working on my intuition. I am a member of paranormal research group, Nevermore Paranormal Research & Investigation. I work with the elderly at an assisted living. I've been doing that for the last 10 years. I really love the place!Myspace Graphics
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My Interests

Buried at
Buried at I am on a spiritual journey, hoping to get as much experience as I can in this life. I also hope to do my part to make this world a little better to live in and send as much love as I can to all I come across on that journey.I have a tendency to be a bit silly crazy sometimes! So if you like to be silly crazy too, I'm your gal! I love the supernatural, outdoors, camping, fishing,writing, reading, music (all kinds), movies, traveling,I love animals (got a kitty cat, Madison)I love dragonflies!*I have a tatoo of one!* my favorite season is the fall, my second favorite is spring. I'm a spiritual person. Most of all I love my friends and family!!!!
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I'd like to meet:

Buried at Bigfoot, Dracula, Albert Einstien, Evelyn Paglini, Art Bell, George Noory, Sylvia Browne, Rob Zombie, Josh Groben, Sarah Brightman, Elton John, Christina Ricci,Elijha Wood, Vincent Price, My Spirit Guide, and most of all....Friendly, Happy people! I usually get along with anyone. But if your mean and crabby, STAY AWAY!
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Buried at From classical to thrash metal! I listen to it all! Enya, Sarah Brightman, Dead can dance, 2002, Pantera, Stabbing westward,The pretenders, sevendust, soulfly, Cradle of Filth, Fear Factory, Zap Mama, Fuel, The white stripes, Led zeplin, Pink floyd, The Doors..........
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Buried at House of 1000 corpses, The lost boys, What dreams may come, And The exorcist, are just some of my favorites. I love to watch movies!
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Many shows that I like......Most haunted, the L word, Lost, The 4400, Dead Zone, a few reality shows, Home improvement shows, Entertainment channel, TLC, Discovery, History Channel. And now that I have a little one we watch...Sesame street, the Doodlebops, Backyardagains, and anything else that will keep the attention of a toddler! She loves Elmo!


Grendel, Jayne Eyre, Catcher in the rye..... I also love to read books on the supernatural, I love Sylvia Browne books, James Vanpraugh, and books on alternative health care.
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My brother is just one of my hero's. He saved my life many times! My mom is my hero, if for no other reason, just for putting up with my crap when I was younger! She is an amazing woman. My close friends, because they are still my close friends after all this time! and I love them! People who move and inspire me are my hero's too!
Buried at

My Blog

Had one of the weirdest dreams...

Don't know what I ate last night before I went to bed to take me in that direction?! Anyway... I dreamt that I traveled to the past and spent time with my mom and  Little Amy, Little Ben, and lit...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:33:00 PST

blah blah blah blah blah

You ever have one of thoses days were no matter how much you try to comunnicate with those around you, you feel like you have put on your "I speak an unknown language" hat?! *sigh* I have had about 2 ...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:33:00 PST

Charley went sledding

I had gone to the store today to get Charley a sled. She was so excited she told me, "Mommy, this is the BEST day EVER!" She couldn't wait to get out there to sled ride. So once we got done with dinne...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 02:45:00 PST

*sniffle* Miss ya’ll sooo much...

When will I get to see my dear dear friends again. I miss you all so much. I'm so lonesome I could cry! I miss my girls....Kimmer and T! I miss the rest of my family of friends too. Can we get togethe...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 06:35:00 PST


Life ever make you so tired everything seems hopeless? I'm tired.
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 06:46:00 PST

Please send prayers

My brother has been diagnosed w/ a disease the causes there to be access fluid on the inner ear. It causes severe dizziness and he will become violently ill from that dizziness. He has been going to t...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 06:04:00 PST

Not quite sure what’s going on?

Hmmmm? Not sure what's going on with me, but I am becoming a bit frustrated. In the last week or so it started off as slight dizziness as I would look from side to side or turn my head too quickl...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:56:00 PST

Last stand at the mystery manor

Subject:        Last Stand at the Mystery ManorBody:   This weekend wraps up your chance to come down and meet Nevermore Paranormal members down at the Mys...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:07:00 PST

Cereal in my eye!!!!!

Ya wanna know what fuckin hurts? I'll tell ya what fucken hurts! When ya get a piece of fucken cereal in your eye! That's what fucken hurts! Especially when it's fucken frosted mini spooners (generic ...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:17:00 PST

and so it begins again!

The activity has picked up at Rose Hill House. While I was in priming Angel eyes 66's room down stairs I saw a shadow of a man dart past the room. I am guessing that is what people call a shadow ...
Posted by GHOST GIRL on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 06:47:00 PST